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Katniss's Pov

Today's the first day back to school from thanksgiving break. I am living with Peeta until the house is finished. We haven't told the group that they will be living there. They don't even know about it. All that they know is that I moved out.

Peeta and I have agreed to tell them today at school. I am in Peeta's bathroom getting ready. I put a black sweatshirt on and black skinny jeans. I put on black boot heels and do my make up.

I walk out and Peeta is getting dressed. He gets his shoes on and walks over to me.

We walk down to the kitchen and I grab an apple.

"Do you want Starbucks?" He asks.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to ask me." I reply.

"Okay get in the car then." he says.

I grab my bag and we walk out. I get in his car. He gets in and we drive to Starbucks.

He gets my drink and his. we drive into the school and go to the tree where we always meet.

"Hey guys." we say.

"What's up?" Annie asks.

"We have something to tell you" Peeta says.

They all look at us expectantly.

"Okay so you know how I moved out?" I ask.

They all nod.

"Well I'm loving with Peeta but that isn't permanent." I say.

They all look scared. They probably think that I have to leave.

"Well Plutarch is building me a house." I say. "And we all get to live in it together." I say.

"Really?!" Asks Glimmer.

"Yep." Peeta says.

The bell rings and we all have to go to class. We walk in and are the last ones to come to class.

It's drama so we have to work on the play.

"Okay my little mockingjays , lets start with the scene where Jennifer and Josh meet for the first time.

Peeta and I walk onto the stage. I start on one side of the stage and Peeta starts on the other. He winks at me. I blush.

I walk out acting as if I'm texting and Peeta walks out. I bump into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I say.

"No don't worry about it." He says.

"I'm Jennifer." I say.

"I'm Josh. Nice to meet you." he says putting his hand out. I shake it.

Then the door opens. The entire class looks over. I feel like I know this person.

"Jake." Peeta and I say in unison.

"Hey cousin." he says.

He walk over to Ms.Trinket. He hands her a note.

"Everybody, this is Jake Mellark." She says. "Well obviously you already know Katniss and Peeta so they can show you around." She says.

The bell rings signaling the end of drama. I walk over to Jake and embrace him in a hug.

"What are you doing here." I ask him.

"I transferred schools." he replies.

"Let me see your schedule." I say. He hands it to me. I analyze it and see that he has all of the same classes as me and the group.

"Stay with us we have all of the same classes." I say.

"Okay." he replies.

We start to walk to next period. It's science. I hate science. We walk in and again are the last ones in the room. How are we always last?!

"Glad you could join us today. Have a seat." Mr.Beetee says.

"Peers take Jake up to Mr.Beetee." I tell him.

They walk up to Mr.Beetee and then Peeta sits down next to me.

"Everybody this is Jake Mellark. Have a seat in that empty table next to Katniss and Peeta's table." he tells Jake. Jake sits next to us and we get on with the lesson.

"This week we will be dissecting cats. Please work with the person sitting next to you." he says to the class. "Jake work with Katniss and Peeta."

"Kat you look like you are gonna be sick." Peeta says.

"I'm fine." I say a little unsure myself.

"Are you sure?" Jake asks.

"Yeah."I say.

"Kat go home." Peeta tells me.

"Okay." I say. he walks me to the teacher and he says that we can leave. We walk out and drive home.

"Do you feel better now?" He asks.

"Kinda." I reply.

"Well how do you feel?" He asks concerned.

"I feel sick. It's better now that we are out of that room but I still just feel like bleh." I say and Peeta laughs.

He feels my forehead. "Kat your burning up." he says.

He goes to the bathroom and gets a cold wash cloth. He puts it in my head. He starts to walk out of the room.

"Wait," I say, "stay with me?" I ask.

"Always." he says and climbs into the bed with me.


Annie's Pov

I wonder why Katniss and Peeta just left. Then again Katniss didn't look to good. She probably got sick. It is now lunch and we are going to have it with Katniss and Peeta. Jake is still with us. I think that we should make him part of the group. I mean that is if he isn't already part of it. I mean, he basically can just walk into the school and BOOM, he already has friends. So, I guess hat makes him part of the group.

We walk to the bakery. We walk in through the back door that Finnick has a key to.

We get to the living room and see that no one is in here.

"I'll be right back." Finnick says.

He walks up the stairs and we just wait downstairs. He comes back with a tired looking Peeta.

"Hey guys." he says.

"Hey. Where's Kat?" Glimmer asks.

"She's upstairs sleeping. I think that she might have he flu. I'm not sure though." Peeta replies.

"That sucks." Marvel says.

"Yeah." he says.

"Let's eat." Finnick says.

We all walk into the kitchen and Peeta gets out food. We start to hear screaming. Its coming from upstairs.

Peeta literally jumps from his chair and up the stairs. Its Katniss.

We all rush upstairs and see what's going on. Katniss is screaming and thrashing.

Peeta is trying to calm her and wake her up. Eventually she wakes up but not without hitting Peeta a couple of times. He will probably have a mark tomorrow.

"It was the same one." Katniss cries into Peeta's chest.

"It's okay. You're safe. I'm safe and everyone else is too." he says

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"See for yourself." he says and moves out of the way. She has a clear view of us all. She sighs in relief when she sees us.

"It wasn't real." Peeta says and she nods.

She falls back asleep and we have to go back to school. I really hope that she will be okay.
Hiya! Hope that you liked the chapter. Have a wonderful day!

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