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Katniss's Pov

Prom is in three days. THREE DAYS!

Cato asked Glimmer, Marvel asked Clove, Finnick asked Annie and Gale asked Johanna. Peeta hasn't asked me and its so soon.

I've been sitting in mine and Peeta's room for about an hour. I'm kind of sad because I want to go to Prom but Peeta just hasn't asked me.

The girls are about to go dress shopping.

"Knock knock".

I hear someone knock on the door. I don't answer it.

"Kat are you sure you don't want to come?" I hear Glimmer's voice through the door ask me.

"Yeah I'm sure. I'm not even going to Prom." I say.

"Why aren't you going to Prom?" She asks.

I get up off of the bed and open the door.

"I'm not going because Peeta hasn't asked me yet." I say opening the door.

I don't have time to react when Finnick and Cato grab me.

"Put me down you fucking idiots." I yell at them.

"No can do. Had orders from the boss." Cato says bringing me to the back yard.

"Put me down!" I scream at them.

"Fine." They both say putting me down and walking away.

What the fuck?

Why did they put me out here? I was perfectly fine with crying in my room alone.

I see a shadow emerge from around the big house. It's kinda scaring me.

It comes closer and I see that it's Peeta. Ugh, I'm mad at him right now.

"Why did you make Finnick and Cato bring me here. I was perfectly fine I my room." I snap.

"Because I have a question to ask you." He says.

"Well then out with it." I say not really caring about my tone or attitude.

"Katniss Everdeen. I have known you for a very long time. I know that we got separated, but then we were reunited. So let me just say that you are the most beautiful, strong, kind, and amazing girl that I have ever met.  So will you do me the honor of taking you to prom?" He asks.

Oh my god! He asked. He really asked me to Prom! Yay! Of course I'll go with him. Wait I should tell him that.

"Of course I'll go to the Prom with you Peeta!" I exclaim.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. 

I actually thought that he forgot.

I should really trust Peeta more.


Right now me and the girls are getting ready for Prom.

We are in my room. We got our nails done yesterday. The guys paid for it. It was really sweet.

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