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Katniss's Pov

I'm in a building. I see no one there without me. Then, out of nowhere, all of the people that I care about come up. I see then all look at me. They all have hate in their eyes.

Why? I walk towards Peeta.

"Peeta." I say.

"Don't touch me you little bitch." He snaps. What? This doesn't make any sense at all.

"Peeta it's me. It's Katniss." I say.

"You're a lying bitch. Why don't you just go and die!" Peeta screams in my face.

"Peeta you can't leave me. No don't please." I plead.

"You're a bitch. You can go die and everyone would be happier." He spits in my face.

I start to cry. I run away. But wherever I go, they all follow me.

I finally make it to a tree. I climb up to its tallest branch. Then, I fall.


Peeta's Pov

I feel Katniss stir. I wake up and notice that her eyes are still closed.

She starts to move around more. She starts to whisper my name.

She is having a nightmare.

"Peeta you can't leave me. No please don't." She screams.

The entire house comes rushing into our room.

I start to shake her.

"Katniss. Wake up. It's not real. You're okay. Come on Katniss wake up." I say.

"What's happening?" Asks Kendall.

"She is having a nightmare." Glimmer says.

"Oh." They all say.

I shake her once more. Her eyes shoot open. She just lays there. Not moving. Not blinking.

"Katniss." I whisper.

She seems to break out of her trance. She turns her head to look at me.

"Peeta?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm here and I'm never leaving you." I say. She hugs me.

I pull her into my lap while she cries.

The rest of the house just closes the door and walks out.

She ends up falling back to sleep in my lap.


Katniss Pov

I wake up to an empty bed. I look around and see that Peeta is no where to be found.

I shrug it off. It's Saturday and we have to leave for DisneyWorld today. I get up and pack my things.

Once I'm done I get ready. I put normal clothes on and pull my hair up.

I walk out and see that everyone is downstairs. When they see me they smile.

Peeta gets up. He comes and gives me a peck.

"How are you feeling." Marvel asks me.

"I'm feeling fine." I say.

"Okay. "He says.

I get a bowl of Cheerios and eat. I look at the clock and see that it's 9:30. We have to be at the airport in a half and hour.

I get and up go back upstairs. I walk into my room and see Peeta up there. I go over to him.

"Hey babe." I say.

"Good morning." He replies kissing me.

"We have to be at the airport in a half hour." I tell him.

"Okay. Are you all packed?" He asks me.  I nod.

He picks up my suitcase and puts it in the limo that Plutarch is having us drive there so our cars won't be left there for a week.

We all get in. The boys are also coming. They just happen to be going there to have fun at the same time that we are.

We arrive at the airport and get our stuff. We got here ten minutes  before our flight leaves.

We get through the airport. But not before the boys get spotted. They sign a few autographs and take a few pictures with fans.

We finally get to the plane and get on. We have a flight that takes five hours. We all sit and watch a movie.

We decided on grown ups. I fall asleep halfway through the movie.


I wake up to Peeta shaking me.

"Hey. We have landed." He says sweetly.

"Okay." I say.

I get up and we walk out. We make it to our hotel. We each get a room.

We are staying at the one with the swans. (I don't remember what it's called.😂)

We get into our room and I collapse on the bed. It's now six pm here. They have a three hour time difference.

We all hang out at the pool and then eat.

I fall asleep and luckily have no nightmares.
Hiya! Hope that you like that chapter. I know that it's short. 😁. Next chapter will be coming to a library near you!

I am sorry for the weird updates but I'll soon be back on track. Please give me feedback and Tell me how to improve this story.

Also I was wondering if y'all would read a sequel if I made one? Comment or PM me your opinion. Thanks! 😘

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