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Katniss's Pov

It's now Friday and the group wants to come over. My mom is fine with it since the house is so big and she won't have to hear us all night. Maybe she will go out with Plutarch or some thing.

I am now just waiting it the group to get here. I am sitting in my phone when the doorbell rings. I get up to get it and open the door to Peeta.

"Hey beautiful." he says

"Hello handsome." I reply

"Am I the first one here?" He asks

"Yeah." I tell him.

"Good cause now no one will see me do this and interrupt us." he says. He leans into kiss me. I kiss back. Our lips move in perfect sinc. It's like they were made for each other.

This kiss is a passionate one. It's long and passionate. I love Peeta so much that it hurts. When we finally break apart I see more of the group come in. Finnick, Annie, Johanna, and Gale are here now. Not long after Clove, Cato, Glimmer, and Marvel come.

"So Kat are we going to get the grand tour?" Asks Finnick.

"I don't know it costs twenty dollars per person." I tease.

"Really?" Finnick asks seriously.

"Your such an idiot Finn. Let's go."

We walk all around the house and I showed them all of the rooms, and the movie room, and the trampoline room. I still don't know if this is all of the house. I am pretty sure that it is it but who knows?

We walk back to the living room.

"So what do we all want to do now?" Marvel asks

"SWIM!!!!!" Yell the girls.

The girls and I go up to my room to change. The boys go into one of the spare rooms. I have a neon orange bikini that I really like so I decide that I will wear that one.

Once all the girls are done we walk down to the main floor to where the guys are. We all walk to the indoor pool.

The girls and I decide that we are going to sit in the chairs for a little while and just talk. It has been like five minutes and we decided that we wanted to get in with the guys.

We get up and notice that the guys are gone. We start to look around for them.

"Hey why don't we look in the kitchen because I know that we have sugar cubes and I think Finnick might have sniffed them out." I suggest. So, we all head to the kitchen. We get there as the guys are not there. Where in the world did they go?

We start to just go back to the pool when I feel myself being lifted into the air. I hear shrieks as know that the other girls have been lifted up as well.

"Peeta put me down!" I screech.

"Nah that's isn't as fun as this is." he replies.

The it's take us back to the pool room and they all stop at the waters edge.

"Peeta don't you even think ab-"I start but I am thrown into the water. I decide that I want to okay around also. So, I hold my breath. I can hear Peeta and the others calling for me to come up. They should have thought of this before they decided to throw me in the pool.

I see Peeta jump into the water and start to franticly look around for me. When he spots me he looks relived. And a tad bit angry.

We both resurface. The look on all of their faces are fucking priceless. They looked so funny.

"Katniss dint you ever do that again!" Glimmer exclaims.

There is a chorus of 'yeah's'.

"Kat you scared the shit out of me!" Finnick says.

"Please don't do that again." Peeta pleads.

"Okay I won't. But, now, since I am all wet, let's swim!!!!" I say

We all spend a couple of hours in the pool. Then we get out and order pizza.

"What should we do?" Cato asks.

"Les play truth or dare!" Screams Finnick.

We didn't even have to ask.

"Okay." I reply and get up to get a bottle. I grab it and we sit down and play. Finnick spins first and it lands on Marvel.

"Truth or dare?!" Finnick asks Marvel.


"I dare you to take all of your clothes off and go to the middle of the street and start twerking."

"Whatever." Marvel says annoyed. He gets up and starts to strip of his clothes. He is only wearing his underwear.

He goes outside and I blast some music. He starts to twerk to the best of the music and we are all video taping it.

The songs ends and he comes back in and puts his clothes back on. "If any of you post this I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?!" I ask with a smirk.

"Never mind." he replies a little bit of scared-ness in his voice.

We just all go back sitting in a circle and playing. But now before we all post the pictures and videos of Marvel. I mean he is my cousin, so I have to do this.

Marvel spins and it lands on Glimmer. Glimmer looks a little freaked out. I know Marvel well enough to know that he will use what she says against Glimmer and She knows this as well.

"Dare?" She says but it comes out more like a question.

Marvel smirks. "I dare you to jump into the pool."

"Please marvel that's easy." Glimmer scoffs.

"You didn't let me finish. Naked." He smirks.

Glimmers face is priceless. She looks like she just saw a ghost or something because she is pale and just looks crazy.

She goes outside after taking all of her clothes off and jumps in the pool. I run to her with a towel and she puts it on.

"Watch your back Marvel!" She exclaims.

We play a few more rounds then decide to watch a movie. We watch the purge and all of the girls are hiding in their boyfriends chest. Well unless you are Johanna. She is just laughing. I have no clue how she even can watch this! Eventually I feel myself sloping away. So, I fall asleep.

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