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Katniss's Pov

I wake up in and empty bed. I look around and I don't see Peeta anywhere. I don't hear the shower going. I look at the clock and it reads 10:47. I slept in pretty late. Well I guess we didn't go to bed early.

I get out of bed. I wish Peeta was here with me when I woke up. I mean, it's my birthday! He should be here with me.

I get ready. I put on a green crop top and black short shorts. I put on green wedges.

I think that Peeta might be at the bakery so I'll check there first.

I get into my car when I see that no one else is home. I mean, PEOPLE, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! They should be at the house celebrating with me!

I'm not trying to sound like a bitch or a spoiled brat but I would like to spend my birthday with them all. We had a plan.

Also, Peeta was supposed to be taking me out. I wanted to spend the day with him at least.

I arrive at the bakery. I get out of the car. I grab my phone and look at it. Just in case they decided to text me. They didn't.

I walk up the steps to the bakery door. I open it and all of the lights are off.

The windows are closed and there is no light what-so-ever.

That's the strange. I think about if I should go in more or just leave. Being the curious person that I am, I decide to move into the bakery more. I attempt to climb the stairs into the Mellark's house.

I climb the last one and fall. I see one light on. I don't remember what room it is.

"Shit." I say.

I contemplate just laying here for a minute trying to figure out where everyone is, or if I should get up.

I decide to get up. I get up and walk into Peeta's old room. I sit down at the desk.

I might as well go home and enjoy some movies.

I shrug and get up. I walk out of the room. When I walk out the lights a turn on and arms wrap around me and lift me up.

"Happy birthday!" Many people exclaim.

I'm put back down on the floor. I turn around and am face-to-face with my amazing boyfriend.

"Happy birthday baby." He tells me.

"Thank you." I reply. He grabs my face in his hands and kisses me.

I see all of the group here and Peeta's family. I also see Prim and Plutarch. I smile at them.

I see the boys and some others of my family.

We all party for a while. I walk up to Peeta.

"I thought that you were supposed to take me out for my birthday. Isn't that the reason that we were fighting yesterday?" I ask him.

"I had to make up a lie." He tells me.

"Okay." I say and peck his lips.

"Time for cake and home movies of the birthday girl!" Finnick shouts.

Oh no. This is not going to end well.

Peter, Conner, and Spencer all come out holding the really big cake.  Everyone sings happy birthday.

We all get a piece and go and sit around the couch. I sit on Peeta's lap.

The first movies to play are ones from when Peeta and I were like five. Peter must have found them somewhere.

The next ones are the ones from the thanksgiving trip. Grandma Mellark made the pictures into a slideshow. There were a lot of me and Peeta in there. Mainly of us kissing. Then there is the one where Peeta and I wrestle the first time.

Everyone laughs at that time.  Then the next time we wrestled was on. They all laughed again. 

Then there is the ones of me cheering. Everyone was pretty amazed at what I can do.

After it's done, everyone claps.

We all party for a while longer. After everyone leaves, the group stays and helps clean up.

Peeta and I are cleaning up the last of the cups and plates that were left by people. The rest of the group is not done yet.

Peeta and I go into his room. The rest of the group can come and find us later.

We lay down on the bed. I'm basically laying on Peeta but he doesn't care.

"So, did you like your birthday?" Peeta asks me.

"I loved it. I had a great time and I think that everyone else did too." I reply.

"That's great."

"Thank you." I say looking up at him.

"For what?" He asks.

"For everything." I reply and kiss him. "I don't know what I would have done if I didn't move here and meet you all. Or if you had died while you were in a coma. To be honest I don't think I would be here today." I tell him.

"Katniss don't say that." He says.

"But it's true and you know it."

"Yes it is. I do know that. But you did meet us all and I'm alive. Your here. Let's not worry about the past, just look forward to our future." He says. Why does he always have to be good with words?

"I think in our future we will be married and have a singing career and possibly have little ones running around." I say smiling.

"I think that looks like a great future to look forward to." He says kissing the top of my head.

I'm kind of against the idea of having children, but I see the way Peeta is around them. He is so happy. I think that I might just have to give him the thing that he wants most.

I lay my head in his chest and listen to his heart beat. I fall asleep to the wonderful sound.


Peeta's Pov

I can hear Katniss's breaths get calmer and more of a pattern. She just fell asleep on me.

I start to play with her hair. The group comes in about five minutes later. They see Katniss.

"Okay we're done now so should we head home?" Marvel asks.

"Yeah I'll take Katniss take tomorrow and we'll just stay here." I tell them.

"Okay bro. We'll see you tomorrow then." Cato says.

"Tell Katniss that we said happy birthday." Annie says. 

"Okay I will. Bye guys." I say.

The walk out.

I don't know how Katniss will like sleeping in her clothes so I think I'll attempt to put her in her pajamas.

I successfully put her in her pajamas and lay her back down. I go downstairs really quick.

I see my dad and brothers watching tv.

"By the way Katniss and I are here. She fell asleep and we'll go home tomorrow morning. Good night." I say.

"Good night lil bro." Conner says.

I walk up the stairs and into my room. I get in bed and wrap my arms around Katniss. 

I fall asleep in the matter of seconds.
Hope that you liked the chapter!

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