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Katniss's Pov

Time skip to May

It almost my birthday. I have five more days and then I'll be eighteen. I'm so happy.

I feel so old when my birthday comes. It's really weird actually. But when Peeta's birthday comes, I feel so young. It's quite funny how my mind works.

It's Monday the third. My birthday is on Saturday. I'm not sure what I'm doing for my birthday to be completely honest. I think that we will just hang around the house and do nothing.

Right now, Peeta and I are driving to school. I'm in the passenger seat. I'm staring at my promise ring. I always wear it. That, and my necklace.

I must have been staring at it for a while because Peeta is now telling me that we are here. I snap out of my daydream and look up.

"Oh sorry." I say.

"It's fine." He replies pecking my lips.

We get out of the car with the rest of the group getting out of their cars.

We all walk to the tree.

"So Kat, what are you thinking about doing for your birthday?" Annie asks.

"I think I'm not going to do anything at all. I think that we will just hang around the house and do nothing." I reply.

"Okay." Annie says.

I see Glimmer in the corner of my eye. She looks like she's hiding something. Whatever.

The bell rings. We all go to drama.

"Okay my little mockingjays, we need to practice this play. Let's do the scene where Jennifer and her friends are at the mall and then Josh and his friends finds them. After the break up."

Annie, Clove and I get up and go to the center of the stage. Peeta, Finnick,  and Cato get up as well.

"I can't believe he did that to you Jen." Annie says.

"I know he didn't even know the whole story before he yells, we are through." Clove agrees.

"I know. He should have heard what I had to say to him. He has everything so out of contents." I say. I hear the guys footsteps come up behind me.

"Hey girls." Cato says. We turn and look at the three of them.

Annie and Clove give Peeta disgusted looks.

"If looks could kill man, you'd be dead right now." Finnick laughs.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I came to find you that way I can apologize." Peeta says. "I didn't give you a chance to explain yourself. I'm sorry."

"Thank you. And about the whole thing. I didn't do anything wrong. I was sneaking around that way I could get stuff for the party." I say.

"What party?" Peeta, Finnick, and Cato ask.

"Peeta's  birthday party." I say. "I was inviting people and hiding it from you guys because I didn't want you to tell Peeta or overhear it." I admit.

"Oh." They all three day at the same time. 

"Yeah you morons." Annie and Clove say at the same time.

"I'm sorry Jennifer, will you forgive me?" Peeta asks.

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it." I say and his face drops. "Of course I will." I say.

He doesn't respond. Instead he grabs my face and kisses me.

And scene.

"That was amazing!" Ms.Trinket exclaims.

Soon the bell rings. We go to science.

The day goes by pretty fast. Glimmer still looks like she is hiding something.

On our way home I ask Peeta, "Hey I think that Glimmer is hiding something." I say.

"I don't think so." He says. If he was lying, I wouldn't be able to tell. He is an excellent liar.

"Okay." I say dropping it.

When we get home everyone is there. They beat us home.

I see the boys are here too.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hello Katniss. We are here to tell you that the tour has been moved up. It starts on May fifteenth. Next week." Jeff says.

"But I can't miss graduation and neither  can  Peeta." I say.

"That week we will be having no opening and that way you can still go to graduation." Jeff tells us.

"But what about finals. Those start next week and end the week after that." I say. I can't miss graduation and if I miss finals I will not graduate.

"We will have a teacher with us that way you can both take your finals." He tells us. I sigh in relief.

"Okay." Peeta and I say.

"Oh and by the way Katniss, happy early birthday." Jeff says.

"Thanks." I say.

After that we all just hang around the house until it is time to sleep.
Hope that you liked the story!

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