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Katniss's Pov

Once we reach my room we both burst out laughing. We both stop laughing. Then we look each other in the eyes and start to laugh again. We laugh until we are red in the face and teary eyed.

"I can't believe that she just said that!" I exclaim.

"Wow she has a very protective side when it comes to you doesn't she."

"Oh yeah. She is thirteen though. She shouldn't have said that."

"Yeah but they probably teach the children different ways here than when we were in school. You also went to a different one Kat."

"Yeah I know. Did they teach kids like that when you were in school?" I ask him curiously.

"No and maybe they don't teach that but the kids just know more. I mean she is thirteen. She can't not know anything about by now."

"I guess you are right." I admit. I don't want my little duck to be like that bit I guess she is thirteen. She isn't a little toddler anymore.

"Well do you want to get started then?" I ask

"Yeah. Where do you want to start?" He asks.

"Let's go to the seine where Jennifer and Josh have their first kiss." I suggest


"Hey Josh thanks for helping me with this homework. I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have been able to help me."

"No problem Jen. You can always come to me if you need help with anything. I will always have time for you."

"Thanks," then I have to fake trip while walking and Peeta catches me. Then we look into each other's eyes. My character leans in and kisses his character." Oh my gosh, Josh I am so sorry!"

"Don't be. I have felt that way towards you for a while now." he says and scratches his neck.


"Yeah. Ever since the first time I had laid my eyes on you."

Then we both lean in again and our lips meet again.

When we break apart Peeta says,"I think we got that seine down."

"Don't you want to do it just once more?" I ask.

"No we got it. But who says that I can't just kiss you."

"No one does and I really want you to kiss me..." I trail off. "but you have to catch me first!"

With that I take off running down the hall. I run down the stairs as into the living room. I run past Prim ad she just gives me a questioning look. I run around the couch and into kitchen. I hear Peeta's footsteps not to far behind me. I run faster. I was just about to go back up the stairs again but I decide against it. I run for the front door. Then I opens and Glimmer and Marvel ad the rest of the group come in the house. Then thy all see me running with Peeta not far behind me. They make a way the through the sea of people. I rush out of the door. I make it down the stores then Peeta catches me.

He picks me up off the floor.

"Peeta!" I screech.

"What." he says like he isn't holding me up above his head.

"Put me down this instant." I tell him sternly.

"But that would be no fun. Well at least for me."

I look back to the house and see that the group is out of the house and all taking a video and pictures of this.

"You all are going to die." I tell them as point to them all with my finger.

"Don't kill us." Joanna says

I feel myself getting brought back down to the floor.

Once I reach the floor again I say," thank you Peeta."

"Your very welcome babe." he says without his arms leaving my waist.

"Look how cute they are!" Glimmer shouts.

"How did that play practice go?" Joanna says with a smirk.

"Oh it went great. Then he wanted a kiss but I told him that he had to catch me first. So I ran and here we are." I tell her.

"Okay then." she says

"Why are you guys here anyways. I thought you were all going to Finnick place."

"We were but my parents are home." Finnick says


"Well now that we are all here let's play games." Finnick says.

"Please tell me that it not.." I don't get to finish my sentence before Finnick shouts," truth O'Dair

We all groan. God I hate this game.

We walk inside and sit down. We sit in the living room and get ready to play.

"Hey guys. prim comes I saying.

"Hello little duck." I say and turn to face her.

"Kat who is this?" Finnick asks

"This is my little sister Primrose. Prim, This is Finnick, Annie, Clove, Cato, Gale, and Joanna. You obviously already know your cousins."

"Hi guys! What are you doing?"

"We are play truth O'Dair." Finnick says.

"You mean truth or dare right?" She asks

"No he means truth O'Dair. It's his version of truth or dare."

"Can I play?"

"Trust me Primmy you don't want to play this."

"Okay. Goodbye," she says and skips off to her room." Oh Kat, can I go to Rue's place tomorrow?"



"Doesn't she have I ask your mom that?" Cato questions

"No my mom won't know any different. Se isn't home usally. Glimmer and Marvels parents usually take care of us now."


"Okay let's play. Peeta, truth O'Dair?" He ask Peeta

"Truth." he says

"How many girls have you slept with?" this catches my attention.

"None." he says easily.

Finnick looks at him, " no seriously dude."

"I am." he says and wraps his arms around me.

This makes me feel really good.

"Really dude?" Cato asks.

"Yeah, you may be a man whore but I am not."

"Whateve." Cato rolls his eyes.

I lean my head on Peeta's shoulder. I love this boy lots

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