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Katniss's Pov

Peeta and I are the only ones home. Everyone else had things hay they had to do. I don't think they'll be back until tomorrow so me and Peeta have the house to ourselves.

We are sitting on the couch and watching teen wolf. I walk around to the kitchen. I grab a glass of water.

What I didn't think was going to happen was that if get a face full of water.

Peeta pushed the cup up and instead of the water making it in my mouth, it just got on the rest of my face.

"Peeta James Mellark!" I exclaim.

He just shrugs and walks out. I start to chase after him.

"You are so dead." I laugh.

"I think I'm still breathing." He replies. He looks back at me and smirks.

I end up gaining on him and jump onto his back. That didn't faze him whatsoever.

He just somehow swings me around and I'm now at his front.

I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back. Somehow we end up in our room.

He lays me down on the bed. Then he gets off of me and walks away.

"And where do you think you're going?" I ask him.

"I'm going to take a shower." He says.

"You are such a tease." I tell him.

"Why thank you." He says and does this little weird bow thing.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I ask making a fake puppy dog face.

"I'm not mean to you." He argues.

"Yeah huh." I say sounding like a little child.

"Ok maybe just a little bit." He says.

He walks over to me and kisses me. We break apart after a little bit. He takes a quick shower and then comes out with only a towel around his waist. 

I go in and take a long bath. It feels so good! 

I must be in here a while because Peeta knocks on the door and says,"Katniss are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine." I reply.

"Okay you were in there forever and I just wanted to make sure you were alive." He laughs.

"Yeah I'll be out in a sec." I tell him. "Oh and can you get me one of your hoodies and some of my yoga pants. I was so excited to get in the bath that I forgot to get clothes.

I wrap a towel around myself and step out. Peeta comes in and hands me my clothes.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem." He replies with a smile.

I quickly get dressed then head downstairs. I find Peeta in the kitchen.

"You know, this is kinda weird." I say startling him.

"What is?" He asks.

"This. Having the house to ourselves. I mean come on, usually it is very chaotic this house." I smirk.

"Well yes that's definitely the truth. But, I like it. I think it's kinda relaxing." He smiles.

"Oh really?" I ask him.

"Yep. And we can do anything we want without interruption." He smirks.

He walks closer to me and wraps his arms around me. He starts to kiss my neck.

"Peeta." I say.

He lifts his head up and looks at me. He crashes his lips to mine.

Our lips move in perfect sync. Just like they were made for each other.

He lifts me up onto the counter. We sit there kissing for about five minutes when we hear, "Get a room!"

We break apart to see everyone back.

"Wow guys in the kitchen?!" Cato says.

"Yeah that's just gross." Gale agrees.

"Oh shut the fuck up! We weren't going to do anything in here and y'all aren't supposed to even be back yet." I say.

"Yes none of us are supposed to be back. But, you guys would have gone farther if we didn't come in." Finnick points out.

"Even if we had gone farther, it wouldn't be in the kitchen." Peeta tells them.

"Well that's good." Johanna laughs. Of course causing everyone to laugh.

"Well now that we are all here and we have school tomorrow, let's have a fun and relaxing night!" Exclaims Clove."

"What should we have to eat?" Annie asks.

"Well I was going to make spaghetti..." Peeta says.

"Then let's have spaghetti!" Marvel yells.

We all laugh.

I hop down from the counter. All of the guys are going to help Peeta cook and the girls and I just talk in the living room.

"So what did y'all do today?" I ask them.

"Well Finnick and I just had a picnic on the beach." Annie tells us all.

"Cato, Clove, Marvel, and I went to the carnival that we all went to last week." Glimmer tells us and Clove agrees.

"Gale and I went to a shooting range." Johanna says.

"What about you and Peeta?" Annie asks me.

"Oh we just hung around the house. " I tell her.

"Girls dinner is ready!" Marvel yells from the kitchen.

We all eat, talk, and laugh. The usual.

After eating, we all gather on the couch and talk some more.

The soon after that we all fall asleep.
Hope that you liked this chapter. Plz give me feedback on what I can fix and make better

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