Ch.13 I love you

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Peeta's Pov

Katniss just told me that she wanted to die. I can't believe. She can't believe that can she? No she can't.

"Kat you know that what you just said is not true." I tell her.

"No Peeta, it is. You and the group is the best thing that has ever happened to me since my father died. Before I was reunited with you, Prim was my only concern. She was all I cared about."

"Well I am glad that you came into my life." I say.

"And I am glad that you and the group came into mine. You especially. You are my rock. I don't know what I would have done without you Peeta. I love you." She says.

Katniss Everdeen just told me that she loves me. I can't believe it. I love her too. Wait I might want to tell her that out loud.

"I love you too Kat."

With that I pull her into my arms. She rests her head on my chest.

I look down at her and see that she is looking up at me.

I lean down and kiss her. She kisses me back. It's filled with so much love and passion. God I love this girl.

"God I love you Kat." tell her in between kissing.

"I love you too. So much." she tells me.

After that we sit on my bed and just talk. Then she falls asleep. She looks so calm when she sleeps. Like there is no care in the world.

I get up and go into the kitchen. I look at the time and see that it is two. I will have to wake Kat up to drive her home.

My dad walks in.

"Good afternoon son."

"Hey dad." I say nonchalantly.

"Did you come home early?" He asks

"Yeah. My girlfriend had a bad day at school so I brought her here because she didn't want to go home."

"So you finally got the girl that you were talking about and had known for a week and said that you had loved her." My dad says sarcastically.

"I hadn't known her for a week dad. I grew up with her. I know you grew up with Glimmer and you had a huge crush on a girl. I remember you would come home everyday and you just would not shut up about her. That is all you would talk about." my dad says as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

I look up and see Katniss.

"Excuse me dad." I say.

"Of course son."

I walk up to Katniss. Red in the face from embarrassment. I am sure that she heard that conversation with me and my father.

"Hey." I say

"Hey my mom just called and said that I need to get home." she says

"Okay do you want me to drop you off. You know, since you don't have a car. It's at your house." I laugh

"Yes please." she says with a smile

We walk past my dad.

"Hey dad I am going to take Katniss home."

"Okay son. Wait did you just say Katniss?"

"Yes. Kat this is my dad. Da this is Katniss Everdeen." I introduce them.

"Hello Mr.Mellark." Katniss tells my father politely.

"Katniss. You and Peeta were best friends growing up weren't you?"

"Yes dad." I say slightly annoyed because he is going to embarrass me right now.

"Oh you are the girl that Peeta has had a giant crush on since you were five."


"Thank you dad" I say

We walk out and one we get into the car I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"You heard all of the earlier conversation also didn't you?" I ask her.

"Yes." she says guiltily.

"Don't worry about it. Don't feel guilty about it. I just can't believe that my dad would actually do that."

"It's kinda cute though. To find out that your boyfriend has had a crush on you since we were five."

"Well good." I say with a chuckle.

I look over at her in the passenger seat for a split second and just see her beauty.

"You beautiful. I hope that you know that."

"No I am not." She says

"Yes you are and you can't deny it. You are perfect."

"Thanks for saying that but I am not."

"Yes you are."

By that time we are at her house.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." he says then quickly pecks my lips.

This day started out horrible but ended amazing!

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