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Peeta's Pov

I was walking to my locker. I was closeing it when Delly appears out of nowhere! Then she pins me to the locker and kisses me. Then I hear books drop. I feel someone pull Delly off of me. Katniss. She starts to yell at me. I attempt to explain but she cuts me off. She tells me that we are through.

No. This can not be happening right now. The love of my life just broke up with me. I have loved her since we were five! This is all Delly's fault. She is a stupid slut. She just can't get it through her head that I loved Katniss. No, loved isn't the right word. Love is. I still love her and I always will.

Then Glimmer comes over to me and slaps me. She slaps me three more times after that. This chick can slap. Ow.

"Why Peeta? Why did you kiss her?" Glimmer asks.

I don't answer. I jut stare blankly at the wall of lockers ahead of me.

Don't they get it? I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I should tell then this, but instead I stare at the wall. My heart is literally shattered into a million pieces.

The guys come to me and help me up. Well more like lift me up. Finnick starts to ask all of these questions. I still don't answer. Finally, Finnick just drives me home. I just sit blankly at the wall in my room. It is final. I am broken.
Next day

I wake up and I decide that I will tell the group exactly what happened. Even Katniss. If she wants to talk to me that is.

I drive over to school. I sit where the group usually sits and I wait. Finnick shows up next. I tell him what happened. He feels sorry for me now. Ugh. I just need Katniss. Eventually the rest of the groups comes and I tell them.

Then Glimmer comes and rushes over. What she say next makes my million shattered pieces of my heart, shatter I a billion more.

"Guys has anyone seen Katniss?!" Glim asks/yells

I was looking down. My head snaps up. I breakdown right there in the quad of my school.

Then the slut walks over. She comes and sits in my lap. What the fuck. The only person that does that is Katniss. She is nowhere to be found.

"Delly what the fuck are you doing here?" Marvel asks Delly, or a I call her, the slut.

"I am siting in my boyfriend's lap duh." she replies like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"For the last time, I am not your fucking boyfriend!" I scream at her.

"Well you are single and you kissed me yesterday." she says with a evil smirk. I see what she is trying to do. She is trying to get the group to turn against me. That is not going I happen though.

"I didn't kiss you Delly! You kissed me." I reply.

She just looks at me like I just stole her favorite shoes or something. She gets up and walks away, leaving me and the group alone. Finally!

"Guys we have to look for her." I say

"But maybe she just wanted to be alone. Then maybe she has gone home now." Cato suggests.

"I don't think that would have happened in the time spans of Glimmer being at her house, where Kat should be, and now. I think I know exactly where to look."

"Where?" Gale asks.

"The woods."
Katniss's Pov

I have been in the woods since the encounter with Delly and Peeta. I don't think that I am going to leave. I was lucky that the Capitol even had the woods.

I found a sharp object that could do just what I need it to. All I need is for it to be sharp. I think that it is a knife anyways.

But I feel like this can just help me. I don't know for sure if it will, but I can try.

So, I put the point to my wrist. I then start to slide. I was right, it does help. A whole lot actually.

Then I hear footsteps. Who cares it probably is jut some people who are hiking.

Wait I am the only one who knows about this place. Well, me and Peeta.

Damn it! He must have told them that this is where I would be hiding. I should have never told him.

To be honest, I should have never told him anything. Why was I such and fucktard!

With all I these thoughts, I have now put four more slits in my wrist. Maybe this could jut be my way of therapy. I mean no one will know about me doing it. Right?

Then I hear screams. Fuck, I forgot about the footsteps. They must have been the girls footsteps.

I turn my head and look strait into Annie's eyes. We have grown and bond, stronger than what I have with Glimmer.

She looks mortified. They come running over and take my wrist that just keep bleeding. I have created a small puddle of blood on the floor.

They call for the boys. If they knew that I was here Peeta must be with them.
I try to brake free of Annie's grip. I takes a few tries. That girl may look tiny, but she is mighty!

When I finally it out of her grip the boys had come through the same place the girls came through.

I lock eye contact with those crystal blue eyes that I fell in love with. The ones that I still love and always will love. Just before I dash away.

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