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Katniss's Pov

Today is Friday. We have today and then we are on spring break! Yassssssss!

Peeta is in the shower and getting ready. When he gets out I get in.

The girls and I walk down stairs after getting ready. I'm wearing a simple PINK crop top that is orange and black shorts and black heels.

We walk into the dinning room and sit down at the large table.

The boys come out of the kitchen and bring us out food. Such gentleman.

Thy set our food down. It has eggs, bacon, and sausage. It also has a pancakes shaped as Mickey Mouse. Huh?

"Why are they shaped like Mickey Mouse?" Glimmer asks.

"Because.......WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY!!!!!" They guys yell.

That causes us to scream out in excitement. I have always wanted to go to Disney. Now I am able to go!!!!

"How are you paying for us to go to Disneyland?!" Annie asks.

"Who said that we were going to Disneyland?" Finnick asks.

"No fucking way!" I exclaim.

"Yep we are going to Disney World." Peeta assures me.

"When do we leave?" Johanna asks.

"We leave tomorrow morning at ten. We have a private jet that is going to take us there and back." Marvel explains.

We all look at them like they are crazy.

"Plutarch." They say.

We nod.

"I can't wait!" Clove squeals.

We all go to our cars and drive to school.

We got there a couple minutes before the bell rings. We walk into drama when the bell does ring.

"Okay, so today we will be doing the scene where Josh and Jennifer have their first kiss." Ms.Trinket says.

Peeta and I walk on stage.

"Jennifer. I-I don't really know how to say this, but, I have some really strong feelings for you. I hope that his doesn't ruin our friendship." Peeta says

"Josh. I feel the exact same way."


"Yeah. I've just been to scared to open up to you about it. "

Peeta comes  closer and kisses me.  I kiss back.

We break apart. We hear clapping.

I see Kendall, James, Logan, and Carlos. I also see Jeff.

"Hello. And how may I help you?" Asks Ms.Trinket.

"I was wondering if I could borrow Katniss and Peeta for a second?" Jeff asks.


Peeta and I walk over there. The entire class watching us.

"Hey cousin. What's up?" I ask.

"It's just about the tour. We need to make sure that you and Peeta will be going on it." Kendall says.

"Yeah and can our group come with us?" I ask.


"Wait, Everdeen over here knows Big Time Rush? I don't think so. I think that we are all getting pranked." This came from Delly slutwright.

"Actually Slutwright, Kendall is my cousin." I say.

"Yeah right. And you are going on tour with them. Haha! What could they possibly do with you?" Delly laughs.

"They what her to sing. Peeta also." Finnick says.

"She can't sing for shit." Delly says.

"If shit is was she sounds like, what do you sound like?" Glimmer asks.

"Ugh!"  She says. "Why does everything good happen to you?" Delly asks.

"Good! My life has been nothing but a fucking piece of shit!" I yell.

"Stop feeling so sorry for yourself. You have a great life. You took my spot in the group. You took my boyfriend. What else can you want?" Delly yells back.

"She didn't take your spot. How many times do we need to tell you this. You are a fucking slut who can't do anything but sleep with just about every boy in this school. I also know something Katniss would want. Her father." Johanna defends me.

I walk out. I can't be in there. She just makes me so... ugh! I just want to have a normal life. Is that so hard to ask.

I wish that my father had never died. I just wish that I had him here. He would know what to do.

I start to run.

"Katniss wait. Please." I hear Peeta calling.

I run to the woods. I start to climb up a tree. I found some twine and rock that I picked up.  I pull off some tree bark and make a bow and arrow.
Just in case

I see the group in the distance. I also see the others. Delly is with them as well. Why?

They walk right under the tree that I am in. Peeta is smart enough to look up. He spots me in the trees.

"Kat please come down." He pleads.

"No." I say stubbornly.

"See Peeta. She doesn't love you. If she won't come out of a tree for you, then what will she do?" Delly asks.

"Fuck off." Peeta snaps.

"Katniss come down now." He says sternly. I've only seen him like this when he talks about his mother. His eyes turn a different shade of blue. A darker shade. He is kinda scary.

"Okay." I say a little shakily.

I'm not too high up. So, I jump. They all scream. I land. I did that in heels.

Peeta tries to come closer. I back away a little bit. I look at him. He looks hurt. His eyes are now a lighter shade of blue.

I walk into his embrace. He wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Why did you back away from me?" Peeta asks.

"Because you were scaring me. You talked like you when you talk about your mother. When your eyes turn dark. That's when I know that I need to just let you cool down." I tell him honestly.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Lest go back to the house Kat." Finnick suggests.

We don't even have to tell Ms.Trinket. She just lets us go.

We get in our cars and drive home.

The boys and Jeff follow us. We get to the house and sit in the living room.

"Okay so the tour will start on the 15th of July." Jeff says. "And you will all be able to go. Also there will be little breaks here and there. You might also help with the boys maybe."  

Peeta and I nod.

"So will you do it?" Asks Kendall hopeful.

"Yeah. It will be fun." I say. They all five get up and hug me.

"Now boys, let's go and find a hotel. Thanks so much Katniss!" Jeff says and hugs me.

"You guys can stay here. We have five spare bedrooms." Peeta says.


They get their stuff in the house and we all just hang out. I end up falling asleep around six thirty. I wake up to nightmares. This is going to be a long night.
Hiya! I really hope that you like the chapter.

There will be a new update soon to come. 😜

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