Ch.7 The Nightmare

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Katniss's pov

I am smiling. I am with my father. We are walking through the mall. then we hear screams and cries for help. My father turns around to go help those cries. I turn and see a man or woman with a gun. Then they shoot my father. I run to him. he tells me that he loves me and to be brave.


I wake up with a start. I see Peeta there. He is trying to comfort me. I hug him tightly. He wispers soothing things into my ear.

I pull away after a little while.

"I am sorry that I woke you."

"That's fine Kat."

"No it's not I should have just gone up to my room after you all fall asleep." I tell him guiltily.

"Kat, it's perfectly fine. I heard screaming and looked at you because I felt a kick on my leg."

"I'm sorry. I also didn't mean to kick you." I say looking down.

"Kat. Look at me. It wasn't your fault. You were having a nightmare." he tells me

"Yeah I know but I still feel bad. I am just going to go up to my room," I say,"or just jump onto the roof." I mumble.

"No you are going to stay here. What was that last part?"



He starts to crawl back into his sleeping bag in front of mine.

"Wait Peeta? Will you stay with me."

"Yeah of course."

He crawls back to me. Then he wraps his arms around me.


He says this right before I fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.
The Next Morning

"Awe they look so cute."

"They would make the perfect couple."

I start to hear voices. That is what woke me up.

"I can't even believe it. I wonder what happened last night."

That was Cato for sure. He would always think that something dirty happened.

I start to squirm to make it look like I just woke up. I wonder what that were talking about.

"Look guys she is waking up." I see that Glimmer said this once I open my eyes.

They are all looking at me. Then I feel a hard something under me. Wait, not a something, it's a someone.

It's Peeta.

He starts to wake up. Probably from all of the voices also.

When he opens his eyes he must get startled because he jumps up.

"What happened with you two last night?" Cato asks us with eyebrows raised.

"Kat had a nightmare and woke me up by screaming. And kicking me."

"Then he comforted me."

"Okay." Finnick says.

Peeta and I get off of each other.

"I want PANCAKES!!!!" Finnick yells.

"Then go make some." I say

He just laughs at me.

"I don't make anything. Peeta always makes the food."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because he is the baker. duhh." Finnick says and rolls his eyes.

"He's a baker?" I question.

"No shit Sherlock. I just told you that." Finnick says and rolls his eyes again.

"Roll your eyes at me again and they will me rolling out of your eye sockets." I says sternly.

"Woah, no need to bring those claws out kitty kat." Finnick teases.

"Don't call me that."


"Well is everybody having pancakes?"

Everybody agrees to pancakes.

"Okay well they should be done in about 10 minutes."

"Okay." we all say

"Annie can you come out back with me real quick?" Finnick asks.


Then they walk out to the back yard.

When they come back in Peeta announces that the food is ready.

"These pancakes are fucking amazing Peeta!" I exclaim

"Why thank you." Peeta says proudly.

After they all leave I talk to Glimmer.

"Glimmer can I talk to you."


"I think that I love Peeta."

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