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Katniss's Pov

Sometimes I really hate school. It is just annoying and stupid. Like in science we had to dissect a frog or a cat.

I didn't want to do either of them preferably.

But, Peeta helped me et through it. by that I mean that he did all the dissecting and I recorded the results.

I asked Peeta how he didn't have a problem doing it and he said it was because he has done it four times now.


I can even begin to believe that. It must have sucked!

"Kat. Kat, Katniss" Peeta says snapping his fingers in my face.

"Huh." I say and come back down to earth.

"I asked if you are recording all of this. I am almost finished."

"Yeah I've been recording it"

"Good." he laughs.

"What are you trying to scare me?" I ask smirking

"Maybe a little." he says back

"Well it isn't working. So suck it up."

"Whatever." just as he sad this the bell goes off.

We go to our next class. Finally lunch rolls around.

Me and Peeta sit down at our table.

"Finally the lovebirds are here." says Johanna a little too dramatically may I add.

"Well now we can get started," says Finnick" okay so party at my house. That sound good? It's this Friday which makes it not to long away."

We get many yeahs or okay or in marvels case, and I quote, 'fuck yeah'

Sometimes my cousin is crazy.
Time skip to Friday

I am at my house getting ready for Finnick's epic party. I have never been to one of his parties but the entire group told me that they are always awesome and the talk of the school until the next time he has a party.

Now I get to experience the epic ness of Finnick O'Dair's super-awesome-amazing-epic party. I just finished doing my hair when my phone goes off. It's from Peeta.

"Hello my beautiful! Would you like me to come and pick you up for Finn's party?"

"Yeah I would love that."

"Okay I will be there in fifteen minutes. I love you."

"Thanks Peeta. I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Yes it is."

"I can tell that I am not going to win so I might as well just stop and agree with you."

"Now that's a good boy."

I put my phone down and I put on my dress. It's red with one strap. it also has a rhinestone belt thing and ends right above my knees.

Glimmer made me buy it. To be honey though, I like the dress.

I walk down stairs and walk outside as soon as Peeta is about to knock on the door.

"H-umm-hi." Peeta stutters.

"Hello my handsome boyfriend." I say.

He is just starring at me. I am going to snap him out of his gaze.

"Peeta I think that we need to break up."

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "what?"

I laugh. "I'm kidding but you were just staring at me an I needed to snap you out of it."

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