Chapter 1 swimming pool

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3rd person
Nat was running around the pool screaming. Bruce was chasing her trying to throw her in the pool. The guys were cheering him on and Nat kept yelling "Bruce stop! Leave me be!" She was honestly laughing but she also was scared he would catch her.

Nat almost slipped as she turned one of the corners on the pool and Bruce caught her. He picked her up like a baby and she said "Bruce! Stop please I beg you don't throw me in the water." Bruce said "Why not?" She said "Because I just did my hair." Bruce rolled his eyes and said "Fine I won't throw you in." Nat smiled then Bruce said "But I will throw myself in!" Bruce jumped into the pool and Nat screamed.

When they came up the team was dying laughing. Nat wiped the water out of her face and said "Bruce!" Bruce said "What?" Tony said "Oh she's gonna kill you!" Clint said "Yeah you're totally screwed dude!" Bruce said "Oh really?" He dunked Nat's head under the water and then pulled her back up. She started coughing and Bruce said "Oh my God I'm sorry I'm sorry! Are you ok?" She started laughing and dunked Bruce's head under the water. She pulled his head back up and he started laughing. He said "Oh it's on Natasha!" She kept laughing as they wrestled in the water. The rest of the team jumped in and started to pick sides and cheer them on.

Hours pasted and everyone was getting tired but they still had to do a chicken fight. Nat was on Bruce's shoulders and Clint was on Steve's shoulders. Steve counted down and they started fighting. Nat said "You're not gonna win." Clint smirked and said "Oh yeah well Bruce isn't the sturdiest support option." Nat said "I just needed to distract you to win my support doesn't matter." Clint looked confused then Nat pulled him off of Steve's shoulders. Nat cheered and said "Haha! I win just like always." She got off Bruce's shoulders and everyone got out of the pool. Tony had made food and they were all ready to eat. Nat sat in one of the chairs and Bruce got food for her. She said "Thanks." He smiled and said "Mhm." She started eating and so did everyone else.

A few minutes passed and Bruce noticed Nat was shaking. He said "Babe you ok?" She said "Yeah I'm fine!" He said "You're shaking like a little kid. You're oblivious not fine." Nat said "Im f-f-fine." Bruce said "You're cold aren't you?" Clint said "Nat if you're cold we can go inside." She shook her head no and Bruce said "Nat you're going inside." She said "No I'm not." Bruce grabbed her arm and she pulled away. She got up and ran towards the pool. The team ran after her and Bruce said "Nat you just dried off." She said "Guess I'll have to dry off again." She jumped into the pool and the team sighed. Then jumped in after her. They all splashed each other and laughed until it got dark. It was an eventful yet very very fun night.

|Hi! Sorry this is kinda short it's my first one shot so I want some feed back. Was this good or is there something I should change? I will take requests for a short amount of time so give me your suggestions while you can!-Alexis|

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