Chapter 44 Coffee

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Bruce's POV:
I really enjoyed coffee in the morning because I wasn't a morning person. Nat on the other hand was a morning person and HATED coffee. Yet there's always the one memory I have of her trying coffee.

I was getting coffee and Nat wanted some of it. I told her it was still hot but she insisted. I sighed and handed it to her. She took a sip and started screaming. She screamed "IT BURNS IT BURNS!" Kept screaming and I took the cup room her. She was jumping around and screaming and I said "I said it was hot!" She screamed "MY MOUTH!" She was practically in tears. I didn't know what to do but embrace her so that's what I did. I said "I'm sorry I'm sorry babe." She kept screaming crying and I said "Nat please calm down you sound like a child." She said "It hurts!" I kissed her head and Tony walked in the kitchen. He said "What is going on!?" I said "Nat burnt her tongue on my coffee." Nat kept crying and said "Call an ambulance! Call Jesus!" I held back my laughter and said "Tasha calm down." I grabbed her head and lifted it up then said "Stick your tongue out." She stuck her tongue out and her tongue was only red. I said "We can put some ice on it. You'll be fine." She slowed her cries and went to the freezer then got some ice. She opened her mouth and she sighed with relief. I said "Better?" She nodded and I said "You're very dramatic." She muffled said "No I am not." Tony said "You're weird Nat." Nat ignored him and buried her head in my chest I thought to myself 'What am I gonna do with her.'

| Sorry haven't been posting my phone has been acting weird. Anyways have a good one!- Alexis |

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