Chapter 49 Breaking up

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Nat's POV:
I never excepted for me and Bruce to fall out like we did. I also didn't expect to end it all with Bruce. Nobody did.

I was in tears while yelling back and fourth with Bruce. Neither of us were being aggressive but we were both angry. The guys were trying to stop us but we both didn't back down from and argument. "I would never do that Bruce! You know that!" I yelled at him as I wiped some of my tears. That was useless since more poured down my face. Bruce slammed his hand down on the table which scared me a little causing me to jump. With that he stared at me. Everyone else did as well. He said "Did that really just scare you?" I sniffled and said "Yeah." He sighed and said "You're scared I'm gonna hulk out aren't you?" I was. I couldn't say that though. I stayed silent. That had to be the worst thing I could do. Bruce said "We're done." I looked at him shocked and stuttered "W-What?" He said "I scare you! You're scared like everyone else!" I shook my head and said "No! Bruce Please you don't scare me." He sighed and said "I made my decision and that's final." He started to walk away and I went after him grabbing his arm. I said "Please." He stared at me then pulled away. I didn't follow him and just dropped to the ground crying. Steve and Clint came to my sides and Clint said "It's okay Natasha." I cried "No it's not! We had so much ahead of us." Steve brushed my hair and said "Listen he loves you. He doesn't want you to be scared of him." I said "But I'm not." Clint said "He thinks that so let him breath and take some time. Once he clears his head he'll possibly change his mind." I wiped my tears and nodded standing up with Steve and Clint.

It had been 2 days since the break up and Bruce was always in the lab. Today was different. He came to my room. It surprised me when I saw him. He said "Hey." I had been reading a book and put it to the side then said "Uh hi." He sighed and said "I um." I stared at him and he stared back. I didn't know what to say and I knew he wanted to say something but couldn't.  He then turned and said "Tony I can't do this! Give me the cards." I looked confused and then saw Tony's hands. Bruce grabbed some cards from him and started to read them "Nat I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to hurt you by breaking up and...Tony what the hell dose that say!?" I laughed a little and then got off my bed. I walked to Bruce and kissed him. I said "Cute speech." He gave an awkward smile and then Tony said "So you're calling off the break up?!" We both turned to look at Tony and said "Yep!"

| I am sorry I was gone for so long I got sick and couldn't post. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. Again super sorry I wasn't posting. Anyways have a good one!-Alexis |

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