Chapter 89 New Years! (2023)

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Bruce's POV:
New Years was a big thing for the Avengers. We lived in New York so of course it was! For this year though we decided to stay at Avengers Tower. Renting out a whole apartment complex was a lot even for Tony.

Nat spun around in her sparkly red dress that hugged her body and said "You like? Or is it to much?" I kissed her forehead and said "It looks perfect babe." She smiled and said "Then let's go downstairs I've already gotten 10 texts from Tony." I chuckled and we walked downstairs where Tony was holding not one but two drinks. He turned to see us and he said "There you guys are I thought you two were having a little end of the year hide the zucchini." Nat rolled her eyes and I said "You know Nat she has to be dressed to impress." We all laughed and Tony handed Nat a drink then said "For you." She took it and she said "What's in it?" Tony said "Pepper made it so I don't really know." Nat nodded and looked at me then said "I'm gonna go chat with Pepper." I nodded and she left. Tony put his arm around me and said "Alright Bruce you can be honest with me. Were you two getting it on?" I sighed and said "No Tony. Nat had to straighten her hair,put on makeup,and put on a dress so it took a while." He said "Dude it's okay to be honest." I pushed him away and he laughed.

I was sitting on the couch and Nat was sitting next to me. She was going on about only god knows. The I realize she stopped talking "Are you even listening?" She said and I said "Not really babe." She sighed and crossed her arms then leaned back on the couch. She was pouting. I put my arm around her and she said "If you aren't gonna listen to me don't touch me." I said "Oh my God Nat." She chuckled and then Clint said "Spin the bottle anyone?" Everyone just stared at him. Everyone there was either in a relationship or talking to someone so of course everyone said no. He started pouting then Maria came over to me and Nat she sat next to Nat and said "You planning on getting drunk?" Nat looked at her and said "Are you already drunk?" They both laughed and then Nat said "No I don't plan on it." Maria groaned and said "You're so boring." Nat looked at me then whispered something to Maria. Maria smiled and so did Nat. Great these two together planning something on New Years? Not good. It would probably result in me carrying a blacked out Nat to bed.

It was 11:30. 30 more minutes until 2023. Nat was now sitting on my lap because Tony was laying on the couch drunk as ever while Pepper played with his hair. I had my hands around Nat's waist and I was resting my head on her shoulder. She was talking to Steve about what they planned on doing in the new year. Nat mostly wanted to travel but Steve said he wanted to invent a whole bunch of stuff and do tours as Captain America. The entire time Nat kept making faces at his ideas and it was hilarious.

It was 11:45. It was almost new years and we were all staring at the tv watching the live performances. Nat was tipsy as hell but who cares it was new years. I'll admit I wasn't fully sober either. All Nat could do was stare at the tv. Almost like staring into someone's soul.

11:50. 9 minutes and we'd be in the new year. By now we were listening to music and dancing around preparing to be in the new year. The minutes ticked as we danced and stopped to watch different performances. Everyone was drinking and had on goofy glasses that we had discovered in one of the closets. It was beginning to be a real party.

11:59. We started counting down. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! We all shouted "Happy New Years!" Maria and Clint popped bottles of champagne while Steve and Thor popped confetti poppers. They all cheered while Tony and Pepper were the first to kiss and then me and Nat. It wasn't a quick kiss it was a long passionate kiss. First kiss of the year. When Nat pulled away she stared at me and said "Happy New Years you big dork."

|Happy New Years Everyone! I hope to post a lot more in this new year. I'm grateful for all the support I got in 2022 so I hope this new years brings everything good to you guys!I hope you enjoyed this chapter!-Alexis🎉|

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