Chapter 25 Road trip

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Bruce's POV:
The team had set up a road trip to Florida. I honestly don't know why we didn't fly since Tony has enough money but whatever. The cars were me,Nat, and Clint (I was driving) Tony,Steve,and Thor. Honestly Nat and I should be in the car with Tony rather than Steve and Thor but I didn't say anything.

We left compound around 2:30. We originally were supposed to leave at 1:00 but Clint had a mental breakdown when he couldn't find his bow so we all had to search. Nat was in the front with me and Clint had the whole backseat to himself. "Nat hand me my goldfish." Clint said reaching his hand to the front of the car. Nat handed him his goldfish and he said "Thank you." She looked over at me and I looked at her. She opened her hand and I saw she was holding goldfish. Then I heard Clint yell "YOU STOLE SOME OF MY GOLDFISH!" Nat started laughing and dumped the goldfish in her mouth. Clint sighed and I said "Clint it was 5 goldfish dude." He said "Listen here green bean. My goldfish mean everything to me." Nat said "Clint shut up." He said "You're mean Natasha!" She started laughing again and Clint pouted.

We were about 3 hours into the ride and Clint was asleep. Nat was on her phone looking at Instagram and I was driving like I was supposed to be. I said "Hey Tash." Nat responded "hmm?" I said "Can you hand me one of those juices?" She reached into the drink bag and grabbed me a juice. She handed it to me and I said "Thanks babe." She smiled and said "No problem." My phone rang and I picked it up. It was Thor. Oh God what did Steve and Tony do? I answered and said "What's up Thor!" I heard Tony yell "DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!?" I said "Thor buddy you guys ok?" He said "No Sir Bruce. I think we need to make a stop." I sighed and said "Where are you guys?" He said "We are behind you guys I think." I looked at Nat and said "Nat look behind us really quick." She looked behind us and said "The other guys are behind us." I nodded and said "Thor tell Steve to keep following us." He said "Yes sir." I heard him say "Sir Steve keep following that car in front of us." I heard yelling and sighed. I saw an exit and took it. We pulled up to a gas station and all got out of the car. Steve and Tony got out of the car arguing and Clint was still asleep in our car. Steve yelled "YOU COULD HAVE MADE ME CRASH!" We walked up to them and Nat said "Guys." They didn't answer and kept arguing. Nat sighed and said "Guys!" Still no answer. Then Nat yelled "HEY!" They stopped arguing and looked at Nat. She said "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER,GET IN THE CAR,AND FOR GOD SAKE GOVE THOR A BREAK!" They both nodded and we all got back in our cars. We got back on the rode and snacked on all sorts of things. Clint slept through a lot of the stuff and only really woke up when we stopped for food.

We finally got to Florida and when we got to our beach house and we were all tired. I was the first to me and Nat's room and I laid on the bed and Nat said "Get up Bruce! We are getting a picture on the beach." I groaned and got off the bed. We all ran down to the beach and had someone take our picture. Through all the chaos we made it and the road trip wasn't that bad.

| Yay I got ungrounded!! I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you aren't mad since I got grounded and couldn't post. Also this chapter is longer than the others have been! So my motivation is back and I am so thankful for that. Happy Late birthday to Scarlett and Mark btw and I saw Hawkeye it was soooo good definitely recommend watching it. Lastly I would like to say I won't be posting on Thanksgiving because I will be with friends and family (obliviously). That was a long note but anyways have a good one!- Alexis |

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