Chapter 26 Tonys Partys

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Nat's POV:
Tony's party's were the best. If you went you always had fun no matter if you knew anyone there or if you didn't. Everyone loved Tony's party except Bruce. Bruce hated to fact that there were hundreds of strangers at the tower getting drunk,partying,and other stuff. He of course came to Tony's party's because I went and he had to make sure I was safe and because Tony was his best friend.

"Is this the best party I've had or what!?" Tony said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I said "Honestly this is one of your best party's." He smiled and I felt someone grab my arm. I looked and saw Bruce. I said "What's up?" He said "Nothing. I just can't find Clint or Steve." I said "Oh they're at the bar." He nodded and then let go of my arm. Next thing I knew he was gone and Tony was pulling me off to another part of his party.

Hours passed and then Steve came speeding towards me. He said "Nat it's Bruce!" I said "What's wrong!?" He was panting and said "He was helping with drinks and then a drunk came up and smashed a glass on his hand!" I sighed and got up from where I was sitting. Steve grabbed my arm and we sped towards Bruce. It was definitely a sight to see when I got to where Bruce was. First thing I saw was Clint dealing with the drunk and then I saw Bruce. Scared out of his pants. I went up to him and looked down at his hand. He had a cut that was pouring blood. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the closest bathroom. When we got in he said "Nat I think there's a piece in my hand. I said "Then why were you just standing there!?" He said "I was scared! I didn't know what to do that's why I hate party's!" I waited then said "Ok. Just breath I'm gonna help you." He nodded and I opened the cabinet that was above the sink. I went through it and found bandages and tweezers. I said "Give me your hand." He was hesitant at first but eventually gave me his hand and I said "This might hurt so sorry in advance." I looked at the cut and saw glass. I then quickly took the tweezers and pulled it out. Bruce winched in pain and I said "Sorry." He said "It's fine." I wrapped his hand in a bandage and said "You should be good for now." He nodded and said "You know I'm usually the doctor not you." I said "Yeah usually."

Everyone was worried about Bruce so naturally when they saw us again they all asked if he was ok. He said he was and that he would be by my side the rest of the party. Honestly that was smart because I could keep him safe and he could keep me safe. This might be Bruce's last party though. Between getting hurt and not being about to do anything he is most definitely scared to come to a Stark Party again but what can I say? When Tony Stark is the host you never know what will happen.

| Hi I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday! I was with family still and couldn't get to Wattpad in enough time to post. Anyways my birthday is in 3 days and I'm super excited! I will be posting on my birthday but possibly a little later than usual. Have a good one!- Alexis |

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