Chapter 70 Football

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Nat's POV:
I was a huge football fan. I was also a Bangles fan so when they were gonna go to the super bowl I was thrilled.

I was laying in bed staring at Bruce as he explained so science thing I completely didn't understand. I was so in love though so I was listening but when he said "But alas I became a Rams fan." I paused and said "I'm sorry." He said "What?" I said "Did you say you're a Rams fan?" He said "Yes?" I sat up and said "Get out." He sat up and looked confused at me then said "Why do I have to leave?" I said "Because I'm not sleeping with a Rams fan!" He rolled his eyes and said "Just lay down." I said "Well if you're not leaving then I am." I got out of bed and he said "Nat you're being dramatic." I didn't listen to him and walked out of our room and to Clint's. He jumped out of his sleep when I opened the door and he didn't have a shirt on. I said "Put a shirt on!" He said "Why are you coming in my room right now?" I said "I need a place to sleep." He said "Why?" I yelled "BRUCE IS A RAMS FAN!" Clint yelled "WHAT!?" I nodded and I heard multiple "whats" throughout the halls. Everyone came to where I was and Steve said "Is he insane!?" I said "Probably." Bruce then said "I can hear you." I said "Shut up!"

I woke up in Clint's room for the 5 time since the entire team fought with Bruce about him being a Rams fan. It was the big day and we were all decked out in Bengals stuff minus Bruce. We were on the couch and Clint was painting on my face with orange and black paint. Tony had made food or so he said even though we all knew Pepper actually made it. Clint finished painting my face and said "There." He held a mirror up to my face and I said "I like it." He said "It's because I'm an artist." I said "Sure." We then both turned to the tv and ate cheese and crackers. Bruce was sitting next to me even though I told him we weren't together after the statement he said a few days ago. Then the game started.

We were cheering and booing the whole time. We even got a picture all together before the game officially started. It was so much fun because everyone was dressed in Bangles attire other than Bruce of course and we kept teasing Bruce since we were winning. He didn't mind though because he saw it as it was just football when it definitely wasn't!

|Im gonna continue this chapter once the super bowl is over. I'm super excited since it's literally tomorrow!!! Anyways as always have a good one and WHO DEYYYYY!-Alexis|

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