Chapter 30 Birthdays

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Bruce's POV:
Nat and I had the same birthday (based off of Mark and Scarlett). Everyone was convinced we were twins at first but when Nat explained one she didn't know her parents and two she was 2 years younger than me they realized that wasn't true. We still pretended we were twins though especially on our birthday.

"I'm turning 34 and you're turning 36 correct?" I said "Correct." Nat was exited about our birthday more than anyone else was. She loved when people celebrated her but did push me out into the open when it came to her getting most of the attention. The guys were lots of help though. They set up our party and locked us in our room so nothing was spoiled for us. "Are you excited Bruce!?" Nat was now super close to my face and I said "Yes Nat I'm excited but please back up a little." She backed away from my face a little and said "Sorry I just really like birthdays since I didn't really get any when I was younger." I said "Honestly that's fine it's just sometimes you get to excited." She gave and awkward smile and said "Trust me I know." I smiled and kissed her forehead then said "Tomorrow you will be 34 years old." She nodded and said "And you'll be 36." I smiled and said "Let's get some rest. Since Tony is helping plan we have a huge day ahead of us." Nat nodded and smiled then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

We woke up the next morning to party horns and the team around us. Nat was to tired to catch on and I said "Nat it's our birthday remember?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes as Tony said "Happy Birthday guys!" I said "Thanks guys but what time is it?" Clint said "5:00 am." Nat said "Are you serious." Clint nodded and I slapped my forehead. They had woken Nat up at 5 in the morning with party horns. What were they thinking!? Nat yelled "GET OUT!" The guys stood in fear and I said "Guys she's tired right now so you should leave." Nat completely covered herself with the covers and the guys left. It was our birthday but waking Nat up that early is a big no.

A few hours passed and Nat was finally ready for festivities. Which the team started by making us breakfast. Then we moved onto different types of games that involved me and Nat knowing a lot about each other. It was all fun and a little more chill than I thought it would be and Nat was totally enjoying herself. I was to and when it came to presents we were both acting like little kids. If you could have seen us you would think we were 5. Hey at least we had fun on our birthday! Right?

| Hi so I made this chapter in honor of my birthday yesterday! Also if you haven't seen the newest Hawkeye episode it is AMAZING! I totally recommend you to watch it if you haven't yet! I hope you enjoyed and as always have a good one!-Alexis

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