Chapter 68 Cheating (Bruces version)

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Nat's POV:
Bruce did reckless things every once and awhile. I actually was happy when he did and it made our entire relationship worth having but I never thought today would actually happen.

I was getting ready and walked into me and Bruce's shared room. I had my eyes covered because I had been in the middle of changing my shirt while saying "Babe I'm going to the mall if you wanna-." Before I could finish I laid eyes on something I wish I didn't see. Bruce kissing some other women. As I stood in shock they both scrambled to get away from each other. Bruce said "Nat please." I yelled "YOU CHEATING BITCH!" He just stared back and I stormed out of the room and he followed. He said "Nat let me explain!" I didn't respond because tears filled my eyes. I got downstairs to where the team was and Tony saw me first. He said "What's wrong!?" I said "Everything I ever cared for is over." Everyone looked confused until Bruce ran in the room and I wouldn't look at him. Steve said "" Bruce then said "I'm trying to explain myself!" I turned to him and yelled "WHO WAS SHE!?" Then it snapped for everyone. Bruce said "Nat I'm not cheating on you." I laughed in disbelief and said "Really!? Then what was that." He said "It wasn't my fault Nat!" I said "Then who's fault was it!?" He said "She kissed me!" I stared at him and then finally said "Get the fuck out of my face." He looked angry and yelled "WHY DO YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!?" I yelled "RIGHT NOW I CANT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU JUST DID!" He stormed off somewhere and the team came to my sides. They were all sweet and caring towards me and I loved it. It made me feel better.
Well it's been 3 years since Bruce cheated on me and we called it quits. I was still happy and whoever that girl was well I never saw her again. Bruce and I still talked occasionally because I had to calm the hulk but also because we passed each other in the hallway. It was actually one of Tony's parties and we were playing truth or dare. It was Bruce's turn and like usual he picked truth. Tony was asking the question so he said "Do you still love Nat?" I tensed up and could tell Bruce did as well. He could talk for a second then said "I mean no...we're friends still but we're not in love anymore." Steve looked at me and said "Is that true Nat?" I said "Mhm." Me and Bruce then made eye contact with each other and I was in love again. I don't know how or why but I was. We looked away from each other and enjoyed the rest of the party.

I was walking to my room when someone pushing me into my room and slammed the door. Well more of closed the door. I turned around and saw Bruce. I then said "Ow." He sighed and said "Sorry." I nodded and he said "Listen I didn't cheat on you Nat. I know this this whole problem was years ago but please just listen to me. I still love you like a lot and I lied when we-." I cut him off by kissing him and when I pulled away he was in shock. I said "The team is gonna think we're insane." He said "So you believe me now?" I said "No. I'm just madly in love with you." I then connected our lips again and from that day on I forgot about the whole cheating thing.

|This is a longer chapter since I didn't post when I was supposed to. I really apologize but here's the chapter now. I will do the different versions of the memories chapter tomorrow since this chapter was meant to be Nat's POV. Anyways as always have a good one!-Alexis|

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