Chapter 9 dog

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Bruce's POV:
Nat loved dogs. She would adopt every single dog if she could. I on the other hand liked cats. Nat constantly bugged me about getting a dog but we still loved at the tower so everyone would have to be on board for us to get one. Little did Nat know the entire team wanted a dog and we were planning to surprise her with one.

Nat was asleep and I had just walked in the rooms. I walked over to her and said "Wake up sleepy head." She said "I'm not ready." I sighed and said "Come on Nat get up." She mumbled "No.." I kissed her cheek and said "Suit yourself." I pretended to walk away then she rolled over and was shocked when she saw me. I said "Knew it." She said "Da-." I covered her mouth and said "What did I tell you about swearing?" She rolled her eyes and gave a muffled "Don't swear in front of you." I smiled and removed my hand. I said "Now get up." She groaned and got out of bed. She walked over to her dresser and said "Why did you wake me up?" I smiled and said "It's 3:00 in the afternoon." She said "Ughh." I said "Nat I'm jot gonna keep letting you sleep that long. Also stop going to bed late!" She smiled and said "What are you my dad now?" I rolled my eyes and she slipped into the bathroom. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. Tony stopped me and said "It's today right?" I said "Huh?" He sighed and said "The dinner." Dinner was are code word for dog at the moment and I said "Oh yeah! I'll get dinner at 6:30." He nodded and then walked away. Getting the dog to the house would be the hardest part. We never really knew where Nat was unless she was in her room but I was the brains of the team so I could figure something out!

6:00 came and I was on my way to pick up the dog. It would only take 5 minutes to get there so I had to take being out for a little. That would be easy though because Nat didn't care if I stayed out late because she knew I wouldn't do anything stupid.

When I got the dog he was adorable. He was an active puppy so he was definitely perfect for the team. I payed the person then I was off. I realized I need puppy stuff so I had to stop by the pet store on my way home which would work out perfectly.

I got to the tower at 7:00. I texted Tony to check if Nat was asleep and he texted me back that she was. That would help. I grabbed the dog and made my way in. I saw the team waiting for me when I got up to me and Nat's room. I slowly opened the door and tiptoed over to the bed with the team following. When I was close enough to the bed I put the dog next to Nat we waited. The dog licked her face and Nat immediately felt it. She opened her eyes and saw the dog. She turned around and saw the whole team. Joy filled her eyes. She said "OH MY GOD! Thank you thank you!" She picked the dog up and petted it while it licked her face. I said "Names?" Nat said "Ven?" Everyone looked confused and then she said "Like Avengers. But just the ven part." Steve said "That's actually a good idea." She smiled and said "Ven it is!"

| Hello! Like I promised two chapters were released today. The big surprise is coming tomorrow so be looking out for that! Hope you enjoyed!-Alexis |

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