overworked (tododeku)

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Hey? What's this? Another fic I'm going to be posting spontaneously with no schedule??


Sick- Midoriya
Caretaker- Todoroki


Izuku Midoriya had been overexerting himself for days on end. He had noticed he was feeling under the weather a couple days ago, 2 to be exact. He thought it was just a case of the sniffles. He wasn't about to stop coming to school because of a cold.

The next night those sniffles turned into food poisoning. He thought maybe his stomach was just sensetive from his runny nose, it happened to the best of people. Plus! When he felt his forehead it didn't feel like he had a fever.

But today, he knew he made a mistake by coming to school. He woke up drenched in a layer of sweat, tremors and chills shook him violently. His head was pounding. But he continued to get dressed anyways.

Every step he took down the stairs on the way to breakfast was significantly draining. He felt the tickle of nausea taunting his throat. He made the decision to eat a lighter breakfast this morning.

By the time he made it out of the stairwell, beads of sweat had formed on his flustered face. His freckled cheeks were rosy with fever.

He grabbed a waffle and went to class, throwing the uneaten half away along the way.


Izuku had been in class for just over 2 hours, already having to excuse himself once because of how uncomfortably hot and sweaty he was becoming.

Not many of his classmates were sharp enough to notice something off with his eager demeanor, except one. Todoroki, who sat behind him.

He had tapped him a couple times, asking, "hey are you okay?" In which Izuku always responded with an enthusiastic, "yep!"


Izuku was reaching his limit. They had roughly an hour before lunch started, he couldn't make it that far. But his nausea was growing worse by the second, much faster than he had anticipated..

His stomach groaned and whined loudly, causing a couple eyes to glance his way. His stomach felt so full, from what? He didn't know. His dinner the night before perhaps.

He felt the contents of the organ swirl unhappily. He was incredibly tense. Nervous eyes were turned towards him now. People were beginning to notice something was off from the loud sounds his stomach was making, to the tense way he sat and heald his torso, to the way his face was blotched in slight green undertones. His stomach lurched violently.

Izuku let out a wet burp, pushing himself up out of his desk quickly, his hand glued over his mouth, and holding back vomit. Running out of the room to the bathroom down the hall.

He gagged along the way, a gurgling sound escaping him as he opened the bathroom door. He vomited down the front of himself, onto the bathroom floor, into his hands. Thick streams of liquid came streaming out his mouth, his stomach emptying itself.

He had a brief moment of peace before he felt his stomach jolt again, he stepped in front of the sink, heaving again down the drain, his stomach trying to clean itself out. The smell was putrid.

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