the fourth day of sickmas: iideku college AU appendix

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Inko is out of town for work living that single mom lifestyle bc his dad is "oversees"? I don't think so
Stayed w boyfriend Iida and his family but is sick turns out to be his appendix

No quirks :p
Ofc vomiting and stuff in this one bc when is there not w me

"Thanks so much for letting me stay, Mrs. Iida." Midoriya said, bowing after he finished pulling his suitcase inside.

"Of course! I couldn't let my son's boyfriend spend Christmas alone." She said patting his back.

Iida smiled and took his boyfriend's hand, dragging him to his room so he could get settled and maybe so they could kiss before sitting down for dinner.

Izuku was putting things away in Iida's extra drawers and getting ready to blow up an air mattress when Iida spoke up.

"Wanna make out?" He asked, a grin on his face.

Izuku turned, faking shock, putting his hands in his hair like his mind was blown, "in your parents house !?!?!?"

Iida walked towards him, placing his hands on Izuku's waist, and said, "yeah." Before initiating a kiss.

Slowly, Iida moved Izuku back so he was against a wall, still holding his waist. Izuku's face was hot and he couldn't help but grin through the kiss, which Iida thought was adorable.

Izuku slowly reached up to grab the back of his boyfriend's neck, pulling him lower and closer, allowing them to deepen the kiss. He twisted his head to the side and reached a hand up to move Iida's glasses up from the bridge of his nose.

And then a knock came at the door and they were apart as fast as possible, Iida's glasses still on his forehead as his mom walked in to announce that dinner was ready. She smirked at the way Midoriya 's face was red and her son's glasses were up in his hair. She wasn't stupid.

After she closed the door they both burst out laughing and went to eat dinner with all of Iida's family.

Soon they were all settled in for Iida's family tradition of a Christmas eve movie night, complete with hot chocolate and Christmas cookies for everyone. This was the first time Izuku began to feel a little bit off.

Usually, movies were incredibly entertaining for him. Especially Christmas movies, but today, he fell asleep, head on Tenya's lap. But despite his exhaustion, he'd fallen asleep through a movie before no one was saying it couldn't happen again.

Tenya shook him awake when the movie was over and everyone was headed off to get ready for bed. They walked to his room hand in hand, Izuku still half asleep. After all teeth were brushed and pajamas were on, Izuku felt no obligation to sleep on the air mattress in Iida's room. He was freezing, so instead he climbed up in bed with his boyfriend, who welcomed him with open arms and a kiss on the cheek before they peacefully fell asleep.

Izuku woke up at 7am with the tickle of nausea in his throat, but he was too cold to get up and take a sip of water or something to prevent it, so he just laid in bed, curling closer to Tenya, ignoring it.

He ignored it until he realized it wasn't going away and that his stomach felt really unsettled. He shifted a bit in his boyfriend's arms, suddenly aware of how sweaty he was. He lifted a hand to his forehead and realized, despite feeling so cold he may as well be standing outside, he was really warm.

Slowly, he sat up in his boyfriend's arms. It was around 7am and snow was falling outside. Iida blinked awake next to him, and then grinned, "Merry Christmas." He mumbled, trying to pull Izuku back down so they could cuddle, but Izuku gently removed Iida's hands from his waist and closed his eyes, trying to will away the nausea.

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