cystic fibrosis (kirideku)

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When Izuku was two years old he was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. He had his fair share of scares as a kid.

He'd been hospitalized so many times he had stopped counting.

He knew he was going to die before the age of 50, so he had decided when he was ten years old that he would try to make the most out of his limited life.

Izuku thought about that as he took another family's order at the resturaunt he worked at.

He reminded himself of who he wanted to be.

A hero that showed people they were capable of anything. A hero that showed people they were able to achieve their dreams no matter their circumstances. To tell people to never give up, no matter what.

But as he walked back to the employees door and felt his stomach turning and the air seeming thicker than normal, he wanted to give up on the money he was making and just go home.

The later he worked, the more unwell he felt. Eventually, his boyfriend Kirishima clocked in.

The red haired, bright eyed boy immediately realized something was wrong with his dearest partner. He began working the register next to Izuku.

Eventually they hit a low point in customers. When no one was around or in the parking lot, Izuku leaned over, placing his hands palm down on the counter and staring down, taking some of the weight off his feet, his costomer service personality completly shutting off. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Izuku are you okay?" Kirishima asked, suddenly hearing Izuku's wheezing breaths.

"Oh God, you need to go home." Kirishima said suddenly, "lets go back to the dorms."

"We're in the middle of a-" Izuku choked mid sentence and was thrown into a violent coughing fit. He left the counter and finished in the break room.

Kirishima followed him, helping him sit down afterwards.

Izuku felt sick, dizzy, the smell of all the food made him feel like he needed to throw up.

"I need some fresh air." He said, his cheeks rosy with fever. It was cool outside, the beginning of winter, or to some the end of fall, when the season finally began showing its chill while the sun wasn't shining.

Kirishima led him outside.

"You're wheezing." Kirishima said, "is it-"

Izuku nodded, already knowing the question. Cystic Fibrosis. The condition that seemed to somehow make his everyday a living disaster.

It must've been a flare-up, something felt wrong. More wrong than usual.

"Can you get Linda? I still have an hour left on shift." Izuku said, clearly not feeling well.

Kirishima left him for a moment and came back.

"She said we can go. Dinner rush is long over, we're fine." Kirishima said, gently coaxing Izuku out to his car, ready to catch him if he suddenly collapsed.

"My stuff-" Izuku faltered, pausing. His keys, his phone, wallet. He'd left everything inside. He really wasn't feeling well.

Kirishima suspected Izuku had sprung up with pneumonia for the third time this year. It looked the same.

To Izuku it felt the same, but he was unsure.

The air was too thick, his body was heavy and unsteady, his chest had a constant ache, and his stomach had a familiar begging nausea.

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