cancer (dadzawa)

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How long has my phone been autocorrecting dadzawa to dazawa. That's embarrassing asf how long have I been writing these?? YEARS. We've been through two sickmases wtf. Ugh. Anyways. Dazawa for you ig (intentional misspell)

Izuku woke up at nearly 4am, invasively nauseous.

Honestly, he hadn't been feeling too well all day. Or all week. Actually all month. He'd been bloated, getting full, not hungry, and it was weird because no matter how much he ate, he had been losing weight. He'd been feeling overly tired and weak, but just chalked it up to too much studying and not enough sleep.

Now, however, as he tossed and turned he thought maybe this entire time he had been coming down with something instead because he was up and quickly making his way to the bathroom to lean over the toilet, trembling violently as his breathing quickened and saliva pooled in his mouth.

He hated to admit it, but this was the first time he had ever thrown up by himself. There was always someone else there with him to comfort him and tell him to keep breathing (because when he was nauseous, apparently his body just forgot what functioning normally was).

Now, however, he was completely alone. It was 4am. No one else was awake. He thought about trying to get a teacher or even a friend, but the idea of giving someone else this potential flu or stomach bug made him feel too guilty. He took a deep breath, reminding himself to breathe before gagging and forgetting how to function all over again.

He felt himself getting dizzy and fought to take another breath before gagging again. Drool dribbled over his lips as he waited with the painful nausea. He felt the vomit crawling up his throat, clawing to get out, but not making it all the way and just leaving him in misery instead.

Once more, he contemplated getting someone.

This time he threw up before he could act. What surprised him was the intense flood of iron through all his senses. Blood came pouring from his mouth and he sat there shocked for a moment, eyes wide, before heaving again painfully, coughing on the strong metallic taste afterwards. It made it even harder to breathe than before.

The toilet bowl was full of red. His heart was absolutely racing. He did not feel too much better, but he knew not getting help was out of the question now.

He pulled himself up onto incredibly shaky legs using the edge of the bathroom counter and hobbled over to his bed. He grabbed his phone, still on the charger and, with trembling hands, dialled Aizawa. He sat and waited, holding his stomach carefully, like if he treated it too harshly it might break or make him throw up more blood.

Finally, the man picked up the phone.

"What." He asked, his voice so incredibly and sleepily annoyed Midoriya almost wanted to just hang up and let himself keep throwing up blood without anyone knowing. If it was a normal stomach bug, he would have just delt with it, but he knew this was serious.

"I threw up. uhm... Blood. I threw up like a lot of blood." Izuku said nervously.

Aizawa was more awake now, but still could only muster the same word, "what??"

Izuku was starting to get incredibly nauseous all over again, "I think something is wrong with me."

"You threw up blood?" Aizawa asked, slowly catching up. Izuku could hear him shifting over the line, getting out of bed, getting up.

"Yeah." Izuku confirmed, grasping the shirt over his stomach uncomfortably.

"I didn't have any trips planned for today, but we're going to the hospital."

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