theme park (iideku, sick deku edition)

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(Due to popular request!!)

It was the day of the fair, Iida and Izuku we're going together.

It was Iida's first time and he was eager to try all of the rides he could while ending their day with the Ferris wheel at sunset.

However, Izuku failed to mention how easily motion sick he became on these kinds of high impact rides. But he couldn't let that ruin Iida's experience, so he carried mints and a bottle of water with him, hoping it would be enough to get him through the evening.

He and Iida stopped for food before they got on the rides, Izuku ate as little as possible without being suspicious. He felt queasy just looking at the rides.

Just watching the loops on the roller coaster made him feel sick already.

It didn't help that he was also nervous to go on them.

By the time they had gotten to the front of the line for the boat swing ride, he felt ready to hyperventilate.

Iida noticed his discomfort.

"You okay?" He asked, his wide excited smile dimming with stormy concern.

"I'm fine. Just nervous." Izuku said, "I know it's stupid bu-"

"It's not stupid! We don't have to go on this one if you don't want, we can go on a different one." Iida offered.

"No no it's fine, it'll be fine." Izuku said, "I'm just being a wimp." He said, swallowing back his nerves.

They climbed on the ride and the second Izuku was strapped into the seat of the boat ride, he felt trapped, like he couldn't breathe.

Iida noticed, "hey, it'll be just fine. It's rare that these things ever break."

Izuku took a deep breath, "I know. Sorry." He said shortly.

"Just breathe with me, it'll be okay." Iida said softly, looking over to Izuku and tucking a string of hair behind his ears. He gently led Izuku into a kiss.

Izuku kissed back. It was a peaceful moment. They pulled back with a soft smile. Izuku felt significantly more calm.

But then the ride started to swing.

For a minute Izuku believed everything would be okay. He felt the shaking in his hands still and his stomach finally settle.

But then they began to swing higher and higher. Izuku felt his stomach flipping, rising and falling as the ride did. By the time the ride was over, he felt definitely nauseous, not enough to throw up, but to the point where he was planning out routes to trashcans through people in case it suddenly got worse.

Only thing he could think about was

No way I'm making it through the next ride.

Halfway through the next line, Iida couldn't bear the silence anymore.

"Izuku, what's wrong?" He asked softly, "I know something's not right."

Izuku just shook his head, "it's nothing. Are you excited for this ride?"

Iida looked at him strangely, "don't divert the attention to me, what's going on?" He asked.

"That fried ravioli just isn't sitting well in my stomach." He said nervously, holding his stomach as it gurgled with nerves. The next ride was a roller coaster. Always the worst for his motion sickness.

He'd been on 3 roller coasters in his life, and 2 out of the 3 times he'd thrown up after getting off.

He was desperately hoping this wouldn't wouldn't make it three out of four.

"Do you wanna get out of line?" Iida asked seriously. Izuku shook his head, "no way! You have to experience a roller coaster. They're so fun!" He lied. It was never fun for him.

Iida nodded, "if you're sure. Let me know if you want to leave."

"Nah, I wanna be there with you!" Izuku said with a genuine grin. Any time with Iida was a good time, even if he felt like he was about to puke down the front of himself.

By the time they got on the coaster, Izuku had already grown paler.

"Babe, are you seriously okay? It's not too late to get off." Iida said seriously, reaching out to rub Izuku's back.

"Just a warning I might actually be sick after this." He said shakily. Then the coaster jerked into motion.

After the first drop, Izuku's stomach was in his throat. Iida was yelling happily as they went up and down and around at high speeds.

The ride came to a slower speed, then halted to a stop. Izuku's eyes went wide as he felt a gag in his throat. The nausea was so intense he felt like crying. He just wanted it to be over.

He scanned the area for a trashcan. The nearest one was just a couple yards away from the line of the coaster.

The second the harnesses came off, he ignored Iida and pushed past everyone on the ride, trying to get off.

Iida quickly followed him through the crowd and to the trashcan.

Izuku hung over the edge with his mouth open, pale as paper, a tear dripping down his cheek.

Iida swept away Izuku's green bangs as he gagged. Then he vomited.

Then again.

Each time Izuku's stomach tensed and he leaned further into the trashcan. Iida rubbed his back the whole time, offering comforting words. The sight of Izuku in such discomfort made him sad for him.

"Tenya?" Izuku asked, trying to wipe the vomit from his mouth in between rounds.

"Yeah?" Iida responded, rubbing Izuku's back.

"I feel really sick." He said nervously, leaning over the trashcan still.

"I've seen some med stations around, you're probably overheated which doesn't help. Do you wanna try and make it th-" Iida was interupted as Izuku's eyes went suddenly wide and he turned and heaved again, sticking his pale face into the smelly trashcan.

Iida quickly reached for his boyfriend's hair, scooping it back away from his face in handfuls.

"You're okay, just get it all up." Iida comforted, watching uneasily as Izuku heaved again. He knew Izuku had a sensetive stomach, but he didn't know that motion sickness affected him this badly.

When Izuku came up again, he looked faint, but had significantly more color in is face.

"Feel a little better?" Iida asked, a small smile gracing his face as Izuku nodded, visibly relieved.

"Let's go to one of the med stations anyways, see if they can get you a mint and maybe a water or something like that." Iida offered.

"Okay." Izuku said, holding his sore stomach with one hand and Iida's hand with the other as they walked to the med station.

When they got under the red tent, they immediately gave Izuku a place to lay down for a couple minutes. They gave him a cold bottle of water and a mint to suck on.

Izuku took a sip of the water, then resealed it and placed it on his forehead.

Tenya sat next to him, rubbing the back of his boyfriend's hand with his thumb.

A couple minutes later Izuku sat up, "the sun's going to set soon." He said as he climbed off the makeshift bed they'd given him.

"Okay?" Iida said, "so what?"

"So we gotta get on the Ferris wheel!" Izuku said with a grin, grabbing his water and dragging Iida out of the tent.

"Wait but will it make you sick?" Iida asked as he was dragged through the crowd.

"No no, it won't. It's just a ferris wheel, it's not intense at all." Izuku said with a smile as they got in line.

Iida smiled back, "I've never ridden a ferris wheel before!"

"I know! They're my favorite. They're so peaceful and it's a great view." Izuku said.

Soon enough they were in a car, at the top, sharing a content kiss.

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