⭐ bad food (iideku) ⭐

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Uh all ab food poisoning, we don't Stan

Sick: deku
Caretaker: Iida/aizawa

Dadzawa a bit, iideku


Class 1a was on a field trip. Not one for hero work, just a nice normal field trip. Compensation for their trauma. They had done the days activities, gone to dinner, the whole shebang. Everyone was having fun.

Everyone except Izuku. Who was feeling sick to his stomach.

About halfway through their next activity Izuku sat down, feeling sick, panicked, and dizzy. Aizawa sat down next to him, "what's wrong kid? You doing okay?"

Izuku shook his head, his hands were covering his mouth and nose, "I think I ate something bad."

"Woah woah do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" He asked. Izuku just nodded.

Aizawa looked around frantically. They were in a public area, there was no bathroom in sight. "Mr. Aizawa I'm really nauseous." Izuku said. He looked pale as a sheet. Aizawa could hear as Izuku's stomach whined and grumbled.

He pulled the boy to a trashcan nearby, from there he spotted a place with public restrooms. "Can you make it to the bathroom?" Aizawa asked.

Izuku was too nauseous to speak, but he didn't want to get sick in front of everyone so he simply nodded.

Aizawa quickly pulled Izuku to the back of the small gas station store. He had gagged and swallowed back vomit multiple times on the way there.

The second they got in the bathroom Izuku collapsed over the toilet, heaving disgustingly. Izuku let out a gagged burp. Aizawa could hear the vomit already traveling up his throat again.

Aizawa watched uneasily as Izuku puked everything out. It must've been mostly everything he'd eaten that day. The toilet was full by the 2nd round and the boy went gasping for breath while he had a moment.

Aizawa finally knelt next to him, rubbing his back. Izuku's stomach kept groaning. Izuku dry heaved over the toilet. Aizawa watched in horror as the boy vomited another time.

"I'm sorry." Izuku said, "I didn't mean to be sick I'm sorry." Aizawa shook his head, "Its not your fault, you're a good kid, I know you aren't doing this on purpose. You can't control it." Izuku nodded, flushing his sick down the toilet.

Aizawa stood the uneasy boy up and felt his forehead, "I think you've got a little bit of a fever." Izuku seemed to sag with fatigue.

Around an hour later, they were headed back to the hotel. Izuku hadn't thrown up since, but he was beginning to feel awfully sick again. This time his boyfriend, Iida, noticed.

"Hey Izuku? Are you okay?" He asked. Izuku didn't know what to do. They were still a half hour walk away from the hotel and he felt completely sick to his stomach.

"I-" he didn't know if he wanted to tell Iida or not. He knew he wasn't big on sickness. "Izuku are you okay? You're really pale."

"I think I ate something bad earlier at dinner." Izuku mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"No it's okay-" Iida said. Izuku could tell he was slightly panicked. He felt worse.

"I'm gonna be sick" He said, swallowing harshly, "do you know where a bathroom is?" Izuku asked, wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"You're gonna throw up?" Iida asked, he wasn't handling this fantastically. Izuku nodded. He felt like if he opened his mouth he might vomit.

Izuku spotted another store as they walked, knowing they might have a bathroom. But he couldn't make it that far. He felt his stomach leap to his throat. Iida saw what was about to happen and pulled him over to a public trashcan.

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