appendix (kiribaku)

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(A healthy ~2330 words)

Kirishima and Bakugo we're sitting next to eachother on the bus, as highschoolers in a relationship generally do.

They were headed on a field trip to go camping. Both the boys were really excited! They were talking nonstop about it.

But kirishima noticed something was really off with Bakugo once they got on the bus. He was hunched over, untalkative, he didn't even insult anyone. He was holding his stomach.

About halfway through the ride, Kirishima just couldn't take anymore silence, "dude- what's wrong?"

Bakugo just shifted, "nothing dumbass, I'm fine." He said halfheartedly. He wasn't about to admit something was wrong.

"Then talk to me!" Kirishima said, his eyebrows furrowed as he leaned a little closer to Bakugo, "something's clearly wrong, just tell me what it is."

Bakugo hesitated, then relaxed a little, "my stomach really really hurts." He said, "I don't know if it's something I ate? But it hurts."

Kirishima frowned, "like what? Like vomit hurt or cramp hurt?"

"It's like a sharp pain in my lower stomach." Bakugo explained, sitting up a bit and pointing to his lower stomach and lower right stomach, "like here." He said.

"And honestly I'm starting to feel a bit sick too." He added. Kirishima looked at his boyfriend with worry.

Bakugo was hunched over and sweaty.

"Was your stomach hurting before this?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah but it was just the stabbing pains and it wasnt-" bakugo paused for a moment, regathering his thoughts, "it wasn't this bad."

"For how long?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo shrugged, "a couple days I guess?" Then he closed his eyes and focused on taking deep breaths.

"You good..?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo just nodded.

Then Bakugo's eyes shot open, "if I don't get off this bus soon I'm gonna-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before the bus came to a halting stop.

Everyone began to get up and grab their things. Bakugo stayed in his seat, leaned over with his head in-between his knees and his hands over his neck, trying to ease the nausea.

Kirishima stayed seated next to him, "want me to get your stuff out for you?" He asked.

"Yeah." Bakugo responded, his voice muffled. he sat up as the bus began to quiet.

He left the bus, and felt a little better in the fresh air. He tried to focus on it and not let the nausea overwhelm him.

He tried to listen as Aizawa explained that they were hiking to the campsite and the bus would meet them there. He was so focused on not throwing up that he didn't notice Aizawa's eyes on him.

After Aizawa finished and sent the rest of the class on their way, he went over to Bakugo.

"Bakugo, what's going on." Aizawa asked.

Bakugo just pointed to his stomach. He was white as a sheet and completely not his usual self.

The bus had left at this point. He was stuck there.

"Okay, you feel sick. Is it just motion sickness leftover from the bus?" Aizawa asked.

Bakugo gagged in response, his eyes shot open. He'd never felt so sick in his life. His stomach felt so huge and bloated and the sharp pains in were worse than ever.

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