chicken pox (erasermic)

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(Request) (in which aizawa gets the pox, on mic's bday 😞🙏) (I wouldn't have put puking in this but it was specifically requested so sorry not sorry 🤭)

Aizawa woke up the morning of his husband's birthday feeling unwell.

He couldn't really place what was wrong. His head hurt and he felt warm, and everywhere felt really itchy.

Really. Itchy.

He groaned and got up to use the bathroom. When he spotted himself in the mirror, he noticed a couple strange dots on his face. He touched them, noticing they needed to be scratched the same way the rest of his body did.

He peeled off his shirt and underneath he found more of these small red bumps. They looked a bit like pimples and they were extremely irritated. He'd noticed a few of these bumps when showering the day before, but assumed they were pimples or something and that he just needed to shower more often.

But now they were everywhere.

All over his face, neck, torso. When he took off his pants they were all over his legs and feet as well.

"What the fuck?" He asked himself quietly. He reached over his shoulder to scratch his back, and then moved to his scalp, and soon his skin was red and irritated from his itching. He felt warm and exhausted and wanted nothing but to lay in bed and sleep.

So that's what he did. He hoped sleeping would get rid of the issue, but the discomfort didn't allow him to fall into even a light slumber. Everything was uncomfortable.

He just kept staring at the digital clock, the colon seperating hours and minutes blinking softly every second that passed.

Everything was so itchy.

It made him want to squirm as he laid there. It was agony, because he couldn't itch everywhere all at once. The quiet touch of his pajamas against his skin as he adjusted only tickled the bumps and made the itching worse.

He desperately wanted someone to drag his whole body over a rough, industrial carpet that could reach every spot at the same time. Mercy.

But imagining scratching the full body itch was only making the sensation worse. He groaned out loud and Mic shifted beside him.

"Ngh?" He questioned groggily, "what time is it?" Mic asked, turning over to face Aizawa, face still half asleep and stuck to his pillow.

But Aizawa was facing away, "like 7am. Happy birthday. Go back to sleep."

"I want a birthday kiss." Mic demanded, still very very asleep.

Aizawa turned over to face Mic, not that it mattered because it was still dark in the room and the blinds were tightly pulled shut.

"I don't know if that's a great idea. I think I'm sick."

"Oh? What makes you think so?" Mic asked.

"Im just not feeling great." He admitted, "but it's alright." Mic reached over to his bedside table to turn on the lamp that was there and then turned back to his husband, reaching to feel his forehead, taking a note of the couple of red raised bumps across his face and neck.

"Yeah you've got a fever." Hizashi concluded, "I haven't seen you with acne in a while." He commented, moving closer to look at the red bumps.

The sick man didn't move. He just let Mic look.

"Do you have any of these anywhere else?" Mic questioned, not reaching out to touch them at all.

"Yeah they're all over the place. They itch." Shouta answered tiredly.

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