gastroperosis (kiribaku)

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(request) (I don't have any memory of this request) (but we are going for it)

Not very often do you get Katsuki Bakugo admitting that something is wrong.

But that is exactly what happened to Kirishima as they were sitting and studying for some upcoming exam.

Every once in a while Bakugo would pause and pat his chest a bit, curling his hand into a fist and thumping it there as if to unblock something.

"You good bro?" Kirishima asked after a couple times of this.

"It's like there's something stuck in my throat or something. I think I need to burp but it's heartburn too." Bakugo explained.

"If you burped would it be an epic burp?" Kirishima asked, pulling out his phone.

Bakugo smiled a little, "probably. Should I try to force it?" He asked as Kirishima set his phone up to record.

"Heck yes, three two one go." Kirishima said happily.

Instead of burping, Bakugo ended up spitting up a bit of his lunch, a bit like babies do when they're little.

"Oh shit." Kirishima said as Bakugo cought the mess in his palm and went deathly pale.

He gagged as he scrambled to get up and go to the bathroom.

He made it to the sink before a whole wave of his lunch followed.

"Are you sick?" Kirishima asked as Bakugo wiped his mouth and stood up from the sink a little.

The blonde looked nervous and didn't move away from the sink, "I dont-" he hit his chest again, trying to rid himself of the burning feeling in his chest, "I don't know."

Kirishima went to feel his forehead, "doesnt feel like a fever. Do you feel nauseous?" He asked.

Bakugo nodded, "I think something is wrong."

The other boy furrowed his brows. His boyfriend definitely wasn't acting like himself at all, "why?"

"My stomach hurts and I'm getting real bad heartburn." Bakugo said, almost angrily, but not quite.

"Do you wanna go down to Recovery Girl?" Kirishima offered, knowing his boyfriend had too much of an ego to agree.

As expected, he answered with, "no."

But then he gagged again and moved over the toilet instead, kneeling in front of it, tense with embarrassment.

He proceeded to throw up his lunch. Literally.

It was barely digested and you could clearly tell what he had eaten.

"Oh gross." Kirishima said, kneeling down on one knee next to him and wiping his bangs to the side, "that's like straight up your lunch. Aren't you supposed to digest that??" He asked.

Bakugo shivered, "yeah but the nausea is a bit better now. I guess I just over ate or something."

"Man, you don't look great, wanna lay down?" Kirishima offered.

Bakugo nodded tiredly. His stomach felt more bloated than ever despite having emptied it's contents recently.

The redhead led his boyfriend to bed, where Bakugo pulled him in beside him, holding him close as he fell asleep.

Kirishima quickly fell under too, lulled to sleep by his boyfriend's soft, steady breathing and warm body.


Soon enough it was morning and a blaring alarm clock woke both of the sleeping boys.

Somewhere in the middle of the night they had shifted so that Bakugo was halfway on top of Kirishima, one leg sprawled over his body and their faces close.

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