hanahaki (iideku)

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(this was a request but I can't find it bc it's been too long and I was planning on doing a hanahaki one anyways so here we go!)

Nobody really knew Iida was gay.

He was so uniform and perfect all the time, no one ever thought to assume he was anything but straight.

And that was fine with him, he was fine being totally closeted until he met the boy of his dreams.

Adorable Midoriya. From the first day they met, despite how uptight he acted, he felt flustered. Something about his green eyes and hair, his freckles, and the constant aura of genuine determination and truth attracted him more than anything he'd ever felt in his life.

Iida would even call it the biggest crush he'd ever had.

That's exactly why he was devasted when he found out his best friend, someone he'd hoped could be his boyfriend, began to date Ururaka.

And it hurt.
Because he'd listened to the ramblings of how much Midoriya liked the girl. How he'd fallen for her, literally, since the first day they met. Midoriya loved everything about her.

Everything about her and nothing about him. God, was he even able to be attracted to men? Iida had no idea.

It all hurt.
Thus, why he wasn't very surprised when a couple months into his crush's forever perfect relstionship, Iida found himself coughing up petals.

It started during class, a cough into his elbow that left a single rose petal in the pit of his elbow and just a spatter of blood on his blazer.

He paled slightly and quickly hid the petal on his pocket, vowing to come back to it later and try to focus on class now. But he couldn't bring himself to focus. He just stared at his paused notes, tapping his pencil on his paper, thoughts racing.

He'd heard of it before.
Hanahaki disease.
Unrequited love.
It always lead to death unless all memory of the lover was erased or the love was fulfilled, sealed with a genuine kiss.

It couldn't be faked.

Iida dismissed himself from class and went to cry in the bathroom.

Officially he was skipping, calling his brother as he slid down the tiled wall to the filthy floor and let the first tears of the day voyage to his chin.

But what else was he supposed to do? His brother was the first person he knew to go to.

"Tenya! Isn't it the middle of the school day? Why the call?"

"Tensei- i-" he couldn't find the words. He hiccuped.

"Hey.. bud, is everything okay?"

"Tensei, I'm gonna die." He sobbed, finally letting the tears pour.

"Woah woah woah what? What happened what's wrong? Don't say that, we'll figure something out!"

"I have Hanahaki." He dropped, his voice barely a whisper as he kept sobbing and sobbing.

There was silence on the other line for a moment. The dreaded silence. The shocked silence.


"Yeah. I just- it's rose petals. His favorite flower is roses."

"His? It's a boy?"

"Yeah." He answered shortly, feeling more tears well up, "I know this isn't the way I wanted to come out to you." He sobbed, then coughed a little more, now three rose petals folded up into his mouth. He spit them out.

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