⭐dadzawa to the rescue (dadzawa)⭐

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(request: all might is too harsh on Izuku, Aizawa comes to the rescue)

"All Might, I'm really not feeling well." Izuku said as he threw another fridge into the pile across the beach, green lightening sparking sporadically around his body.

"If you want to become as strong as me you need to work through the pain!" All Might boomed, dismissive of Izuku's concerns.

He'd been training more with All Might outside of school and one specific homeroom teacher had taken notice of Midoriya's decline in general functioning.

And now Izuku really felt sick. He was purely exhausted. He'd been staying up late to study and finish homework after training sessions, he'd been eating differently, he'd been feeling so much less motivated.

He felt the nausea surge as he threw another fridge.

"All Might I need to take a break." He said, feeling the shadow of a gag.

"You need to push through it! Push through it Midoriya!" He exclaimed with motivated enthusiasm.

Izuku's whole body was shaking in exhaustion as he picked up another fridge and tossed it over to the pile, using the last of his strength.

He gagged, leaned over and vomited on his feet, coughing over the puddle.

All Might sighed frustratedly, "my boy have you been taking care of yourself?"

"I'm trying." He said dizzily, "but I can't when I have to go home after this and do 3 hours of homework and prepare the new meal plan and-" he stopped talking as he gagged again, "I feel really sick."

He vomited again, puke splashing onto his soiled red shoes.

"Three more fridges and I'll let you get home early." All Might said.

Izuku looked at him wearily and then powered up his quirk again, his arms and legs trembling under the weight of the fridge.

He threw it but it didn't make it to the pile.

"Try again."

He threw another that didn't make it.


Izuku's quirk began to fade from exhaustion. The green lightning around him flickered like a brown out as he lifted another fridge and took a deep breath, then launched it.

It made it. He fell to his knees afterwards, feeling unable to stand as his vision spun violently.

"Two more." All Might said, "push through it, heroes can only take so many sick days."

Izuku got up slowly, one knee, then the next. He summoned his quirk. The light was dim. He felt the urge to vomit again.

He picked up a fridge.

He threw it as hard as he was able, but it landed just short of the pile.


Izuku was horridly sweaty. He had a fever, he could tell.

He picked up another and threw it as hard as he could. It bounced off the one that had landed short into the pile.

"I'll take it. Just one more and you can go." All Might said.

"C-can I text my mom to pick me up first?" He asked, his eyes focusing and unfocusing in exhaustion.

"What happened to running home?"

Izuku just stared at him, his face pale, yet flushed with fever, sweat dripping violently down his chin, vomit crusted at the edges of his mouth.

"Fine. Be fast." All Might answered.

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