dairy allergy (no ship)

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Izuku instinctively avoided dairy. He didn't really know why, he didn't ever realize he didn't eat it much.

Maybe it was the pain he associated with it from when he was younger, he naturally avoided it.

He didn't ever consider why he did this, or why he got frequent, painful and unexplainable stomachaches until he got a text one day.

--class 1a groupchat--

Ururaka: Hey everyone! I was thinking we could go out and get ice cream tonight. Anyone wanna come ? A new place opened up just off campus!!

Iida: that sounds lovely, hard working heroes and students like us deserve a nice break every once in a while.

Denki: me n Shinso r studying together tonight , maybe another time

Bakugo: "studying" sure. I'll stay back, I need to be in bed by 8.

Kiri: guess I'll stay back too. I wanna hang out with Bakugo.

Deku: I'll pass, I don't like ice cream.

Ururaka: WHATTT



Todoroki: bro... How do you not like ice cream. You're like... The last person I thought wouldn't like ice cream.

Kirishima: did... Did todoroki just say bro???

Todoroki: I thought it was necessary

Kirishima: it definitely was. How can someone not like ice cream??

Deku: well, I'm not quite sure tbh. I guess I havnt had it in a long time.

Ururaka: you should come with and try it again!!

Deku: I mean, I finished studying and homework so I guess I'll come! :)

Ururaka: all right!! If anyone else wants to come meet down in the common room at 7 and we can head there together!!


Soon enough 7 o'clock came and Midoriya had walked himself downstairs. He was wearing a plain white shirt labeled, "Tshirt" in small black text on the front. It was tucked into loose, belted jeans, cuffed to show off his bright red shoes.

They walked down to the small ice cream shop and grabbed a table for four. Mina ended up dropping out, claiming studying as "unfortunately more important."

Safe to say Iida was very proud.

The four: Iida, Ururaka, Todoroki, and Deku, all walked up to the large display case and looked at the brightly colored sweets.

They all oohed and awed at the yummy sounding flavors.

Ururaka ordered a single scoop of cotton candy on a cake cone.

Iida ordered a single scoop of mint chocolate chip in a cup.

Todoroki ordered a single scoop of hot fudge brownie in a fresh waffle cone.

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