backstory (abuseddeku, tododeku)

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(Izuku's backstory to that one other pro-heroed AU I wrote 🤯🤯)

"I think I'm going to throw up." Izuku said to Todoroki, who was sitting next to him. His stomach hurt.

No one knew that his dad had beat him the day before, mostly over the stomach. He felt pain any time he moved. Any time he sat in the wrong position. It was intense and dizzying and nauseating.

He got up from his seat in the middle of class and wandered out.

Todoroki spotted a huge bruise creeping up from his back behind his collar as he pulled open the door and stumbled out hurriedly.

Aizawa had watched him walk out and went over to Todoroki, who looked stiff and nervous. The teacher walked over and sat down where Midoriya was sitting a moment earlier.

"Is he okay?" Aizawa asked the nervous high schooler.

"He said he felt like he was going to throw up." Todoroki said nervously, twisting his pencil between his fingers.

"I think it's something else though I don't think he's sick."  He let out after another second. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

The glance Todoroki gave Aizawa said everything he needed to say.


They'd been suspicious for months. There'd been some strange incidents.

Panic attacks.

Unexplainably severe injuries that he somehow always had an excuse for.

Poorly covered bruises under cheap makeup.

Bloody bandages in the trash.

"Did you see the bruise on his neck?" Todoroki asked shakily, staring back down at his desk, his hands on his hair, "that wasn't there yesterday."

Aizawa just nodded and rubbed the boy's back, "I'll go check on him.

But then the door opened back up and Izuku walked in, looking exhausted and sick and the most devoid of emotion either of the two had ever seen him.

Aizawa got out of Izuku's seat and waited for him to come sit down.

"Hey kiddo, are you okay?" Aizawa asked the green haired boy. He seemed so feeble.

So small.

So much weaker than usual.

There was something defeated, but satisfied about his aura.

"I'm okay, just not feeling too great." He said, carefully folding his arms over his stomach.

"Do you wanna call home?" Aizawa asked, knowing his answer, but simply to gauge his reaction.

Izuku paled slightly, his composure slipping for only a second, before he answered, "no, I'll be alright. But I'll let you know." He said, his face empty, "thanks."

His moment of panic was just enough for Aizawa to see and realize that their suspicions we're correct. They had to be.

There was no other explanation.

"Okay, come talk to me if you need any help okay?" Aizawa asked, softer than normal.

Izuku just nodded, looking sick again.

When he went to the bathroom, not only had he thrown up, he'd thrown up blood. Mouthfuls and mouthfuls of it.

It was dark red, clotting. He knew he had internal bleeding from his dad's drunken rage.

And he had no clue what to do about it. Before he could even begin to think of a plan, he'd thrown up again and again and again and again.

So much he could have sworn he lost half the blood in his body. He felt threateningly dizzy. A permanant black cloud sat in his periferal vision, holding an imaginary gun to his head, looming as if to say, "move too fast and you're going down."

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