deep clean (abused trans Kirishima x Bakugo)

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(request) (special thanks to @fublle for helping me with a context idea)

Every semester the UA dorms had to go through a deep cleaning, leaving the students at home for a single week each week.

It was Kirishima's second semester at UA, and his first deep cleaning had gone just fine. He'd stayed with Sero.

But this semester the cleaning came early, with no warning.

He stood right outside the doors, his important belongings in a suitcase at his side. He stared out into the parking lot as parents came to pick up their kids.

Bakugo, his boyfriend, came out and stood next to him.

"Eijiro, what's wrong?" He asked casually.

"I just- you know my family.. I don't wanna go home." Kirishima said.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could let you stay with me. I know they're really shitty about your gender and stuff." Bakugo said, looking over at Kirishima, who had tears cought in his throat.

"Yeah." He choked out, "do you think you could give me a ride?"

"Yeah, definitely." Bakugo said, "c'mon, I'm driving. Also I think you're so fucking manly by the way."

Kirishima chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes and letting Bakugo give him a peck on the cheek before they walked hand in hand to his car.

Kirishima started crying halfway there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bakugo asked, putting on his flashers and pulling over to the shoulder.

"I just- I just don't wanna go home." Kirishima sobbed, his voice nasally.

"I know its hard, and I'm sure I have no idea. But I know it's really hard for you, and I'm sorry. But think, most of the time you're at school. And it's just for a week! Then you'll be all set for the rest of the year. Plus you can come hang out whenever, just not stay the night." Bakugo tried.

"They're just- they're so awful. And I have so many siblings and it's just so overwhelming." He said, knowing his siblings had to live with his hellish parents for so long as well. They got hurt just as much as he did most likely.

(I headcannon kiri being a big brother)

No one knew how shit Kirishima's parents really were. His mom was narcissistic, his dad didn't know healthy communication, only violence. His dad tended to get drunk, his mom liked to get high. Sometimes they would leave for days without notice.

And no one knew how much he used to get hurt. How scared he always used to be. They were shit, especially to him. They were nothing short of transphobic assholes.

Bakugo pulled him into a hug and he sobbed into his boyfriend's shoulder. He cried so hard it was difficult to breathe. He was scared, terrified, even.

"Look, kiri, it's gonna be okay. Promise." Bakugo said, "if it gets way too much I can sneak you into my place okay? I'm not supposed to have you stay the night but who gives a shit."

Kirishima didn't answer with anything but a sob into his shoulder.

Bakugo held him close and rubbed his back, "it's just a week, you got this."

Eijiro held back the rest of his tears and pulled away with a nod, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Ready to go?" Bakugo asked.

"Yeah." He whispered, still trying to hold back his tears.

"Kiri, it'll be okay. It's just a week, we got this. We're in this together." Bakugo tried, once again only receiving a nod.

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