overcrowded ER (iideku + dadzawa)

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"Tenya, I'm not feeling very well today. I'm going to stay back from school." Izuku explained, standing in his pajamas in his dorm doorway as Iida waited outside, fully uniformed, ready to go, just like he was every morning.

But instead of saying, "okay" and wandering away, Iida pushed his way in and guided Izuku to lay down, beginning a conversation on the way. Izuku was trying to get away from him, not wanting to spread whatever virus he had any farther.

"What feels bad? I'll call the nurse and stay back to help you." Iida offered.

Izuku shook his head, stepping back slowly, "I think I have the flu, I don't want to give it to you." His head was pounding and he really just wanted to go back to sleep, "I threw up last night and I don't wanna give any of this to you." He said weakly.

There was a trashcan next to his bed, there for accidents after he had woken up and been sick.

Iida furrowed his brows, "the flu?? Where did you get it from, no one has had anything." He said suspiciously, seeing as Izuku looked really unwell and no one else in their vicinity had been sick for months.

They did everything together, Iida knew better than anyone else that something might have been up.

"I don't know." Izuku mumbled, a hand going to his head, "I just need to lay down. Could be a really bad migraine, I've got a horrible headache. My neck hurts and I'm nauseous." He said quietly, meandering towards his bed and lazily pulling himself under the covers.

"At least let me take your temperature..." Tenya said sadly, hurrying to Izuku's bathroom to grab his first aid kit.

The poor single person full restroom was a scene straight out of a horror movie. Well, not really. But close. There were damp towels strewn out on the floor, a spare pillow and blanket pushed up against the wall on the tile, old vomit in the trashcan. It smelt horrid.

Iida quickly switched the fan on, folded up the wet shower towels and laid them over the edge of the tub, and tied the garbage up, setting it outside the dorm room. Then he quickly grabbed the thermometer and rushed back to Izuku, who was nearly asleep in bed. He was deathly pale and his eyes were slits.

"Ten, can you pull the blinds? The light hurts my eyes." Izuku groaned. He felt more and more sick to his stomach as time went on.

After the boyfriend had pulled the blinds, Izuku was moving to sit up, his stiff neck and back making it difficult, but his stomach requiring more urgency by the second.

"I'm gonna throw up." Izuku choked, reaching for the trashcan, unable to speak any further.

"Hey, it's ok it's ok. Let's go to the bathroom, alright?" Iida said, attempting to help Izuku stand up, but he vomited right then and there, heaving grossly over the trashcan, his eyes aching as his head throbbed deeper than before. The world was spinning and he had broken out in a cold sweat, each trickle feeling like a frozen knife against his skin.

"Oh, it's okay. It's okay." Iida said, carefully rubbing Izuku's back as he choked up more of the previous night's dinner.

Iida noticed how the boy was holding the trashcan under his chin, but not able to lean his head completely over. A couple minutes later it was over and Izuku was staring forward blankly.

"Zuku, can you turn your head to me?" Iida said after he'd pulled the can away.

Izuku turned his entire body, his neck too stiff, "it's just sore from training." He said weakly, "I'm gonna brush my teeth and go to sleep." He said, "school is starting soon, you've gotta go."

Tenya sighed. His boyfriend wanted the best for him.

Carefully, he placed a kiss on the boy's forehead, helped him to the bathroom and back, and left for school.

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