⭐retinitis pigmentosa (dadzawa)⭐

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The way it started was stupid.

They were at a full dorm movie night and Izuku walked straight into the coffee table.

The coffee table that was always there. The coffee table that has always been there.

But it was dark, he hadn't seen it.

He tripped and spilt all the popcorn he was holding.

The reason? He couldn't see the coffee table in the dark. It's like when light was taken away, everything was completely gone.

But he dealt with it. He made it work, that's just what he did after all. He prided himself in adaptation.


The next time Izuku felt like something wasn't right, was on a test.

He kept squinting, but it was so blurry. He leaned down a bit, then a bit more.

When his nose was almost touching the desk he could finally read the text.

"Midoriya, what in the world are you doing?" Aizawa asked from the front of the class, looking strangely over at the student who appeared like he was smelling his desk.

Everyone in the class turned to look and Izuku sat up straight, squinting, trying to see everybody who was looking at him. He could barely see the people in front of him.

"The text is really small, I can't read it." He said simply. He couldn't shoo the question nagging him:

When had his vision gotten so bad?

Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows, "like it's blurry?"

"Yeah." He answered sheepishly, his cheeks heating up in severe embarrassment as people slowly began to go back to their tests.

Mr. Aizawa looked at him strangely, "I'll print you a version with bigger font for you. See me after class."

He aced the test, but still had to squint the words, even after they were made to be bigger.

After class they went down to Recovery Girl to test his vision. They determined his sight had gotten significantly worse.

No biggie, he just had to order a new prescription of contact lenses. He had always worn them, ever since he was old enough too. His vision had never been spectacular.

When he was a kid, it got worse slowly, but for some reason now it was speeding up. It wasn't necessarily abnormal, however. Especially with boys his age.

He chalked it all up to getting older, finally growing up.


The next week things took a turn for the worse. Much worse.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku called out mid fight, "I can't- I can't see." He said, in a complete panic, "one of my lenses popped out- I think." He said as he ducked away from the training robot and threw another punch, missing by a foot because his depth perception had gone to shit.

Aizawa hit the shut down button on the bot and went to assist the student as he stumbled around in a slight panic, "my periferals are really really blurry." He said nervously, "I don't know what's wrong I can't see out of my periferals!"

"Woah woah, okay. Take a deep breath it's okay, Midoriya." Aizawa tried.

But the kid was really panicking, "my contacts- my contacts are in! Why cant I see?" He yelped as he carefully felt around his eyes, his bottom lip quivering as his whole body began to tremble.

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