⭐plane ride (tododeku adults, teacher au)⭐

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(they r married, deku #1 pro hero)

Todoroki and Deku are pro-heroes and teachers at UA highschool. And today? Well today is a big day.

The teachers were taking their class on a field trip across the country, something everyone had been looking forward to for the whole year.

Izuku smiled at his husband, Todoroki, as they waited to board the plane. They stood at the front with their class following behind them, all bearing small carry-on bags.

They got settled on the plane, and everything was going well until they were halfway through their ascent. Izuku felt a twinge of nausea pricking his throat.

He took a deep breath and tried to ignore it, but it really wasn't going away.

After a couple more minutes, he leant his head back and closed his eyes, swallowing harshly.

He felt todoroki squeeze his hand, "everything okay?" He asked. Izuku just shrugged, "I feel nauseous." He said softly.

"Oh? Do you think it's just the elevation change and the turbulence?" Todoroki asked.

Izuku nodded his head, willing away the thoughts of how nauseous he really was away, "yeah, you're right. That's probably it."

A moment later the flight attendant came over the speakers, "good morning everyone, this is a reminder to keep in your seats with your seatbelts on until we reach our maximum cruising height and the seatbelt signs go off. Try to limit any bathroom trips to absolute emergencies."

10 minutes later, Izuku leaned forward slightly with one hand over his mouth and another over his stomach. This was an absolute nightmare.

"Izuku?" Todoroki asked, "are you okay?" He asked as they hit a bit of turbulence.

Izuku unbuckled his seatbelt and began to stand up to go to the bathroom, a hand still covering his pale face. A flight attendant rushed over, telling him to sit down as the turbulence got worse.

"We're experiencing some severe turbulence. Everyone please remain seated and carefully store away any large devices and put carry-on bags under the seat in front of you. We'll get through this patch soon." A voice said over the speakers.

Izuku spoke up to the flight attendant as he sat down, "I'm going to vomit." He said. She quickly grabbed the small white, foldable bag from the pocket on the seat in front of him.

She fumbled to get it open as Izuku's breath hitch and he heald back vomit.

"Is Mr. Midoriya okay?" A student behind them asked.

Izuku grabbed the bag, stuck his mouth inside and heaved. Just about the whole plane turned to look. Todoroki rubbed his back, "do you feel any better?" The turbulence was still very jarring. The flight attendant was kneeling on one knee next to him, holding herself steady on the chairs around her, giving him some privacy as he vomited into the meek little bag.

"Okay, you're okay." Todoroki comforted, rubbing his husband's back.

"Ohmygodifeelsosick." He said in one breath, "make the bumps stop." He begged, closing his eyes again, resting the vomit filled bag on his knee while the sour taste sat heavy on his tongue.

The ride smoothened out then and Izuku vomited again into the bag.

"Dude Mr. Midoriya just puked!" He heard another student shout.

Todoroki turned around to shush them, "this is an airplane with other people on it, be respectful." He said, eyeing his whole class with a look of warning. It wasn't often that he spoke up and gave directions.

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