MERRY SICKMAS!!! bakudeku

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Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates! You guys have been begging for it, and I have been avidly avoiding it! In which Bakugo is horrible at being sick

It's very basic bc mAN
But it'll be cute probably.

Ig adult AU
They're living together + dating

Cw for vomiting etc. basic stomach bug / flu (I haven't decided yet) stuff


Izuku knew something was wrong before Bakugo even did. The night before Christmas Eve, Bakugo was sweating firecrackers. Every time Bakugo was sick this happened, and Izuku wasn't fully sure his boyfriend even knew about it.

Now that they'd been dating for a while however, Izuku had gotten used to the way his boyfriend functioned, and he knew that he sweated a lot. Especially when he was sick.

So whenever Bakugo sparked a fever, his sweat sparked in correspondence with his quirk. He didn't wake up, he was used to the noise, but Izuku frowned, knowing Bakugo would wake up in the morning (or sooner) feeling far less than desirable for the happy holiday.

So Izuku let Katsuki sleep, and, knowing he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep with all the racket, got out everything they might need from the medicine basket, preparing the thermometer by placing it on their bedside table, grabbing a trash can as well in case it was that kind of sick. He got pain relievers / fever reducers out and a bottle of water, and then wet a cool cloth and placed it on his sleeping boyfriend's forehead, watching him relax slightly and the firecrackers decrease just a little.

Izuku leaned over and kissed him on the nose, "Merry Christmas, Kacchan."


When Katsuki Bakugo woke up, it was in a fit of cold sweat and raging nausea. He did not wait to get up and go to the bathroom, he did not take a single moment to wake up or process any of his surroundings, just got up and went straight in.

Moments later, vomit was forcing its way out of his mouth. It was violent the way his body was treating himself.

A moment later, Izuku was by his side, rubbing his back and telling him it was okay as his stomach pushed another wave of illness through his mouth. He gasped afterwards, coughing hoarsley over the toilet. His throat was sore and his nose was stuffy, he couldn't breathe right and he felt overwhelmingly cold.

"Shit." He said irritably.

Izuku, to his amazement, already had a thermometer, painkillers, and decongestants ready for him, as well as toothpaste on his toothbrush and a comforting forehead kiss to offer. Katsuki accepted it reluctantly, trying not to focus on the fact that he was absolutely ruining Christmas right now.

"What time is it?" He asked.

Izuku glanced out of the bathroom at their alarm clock and answered, "5am."

"How did you know I was sick? How do you always know when I'm sick and get ready for it so well?" He asked genuinely, surprised at the fact that there was already toothpaste on his toothbrush.

"Well, that's part of the magic isn't it? It's a secret." Izuku said with a grin. He liked being able to adequately care for his loved ones.

"You look fucking exhausted, how did you know?" He pushed farther, "how long have you been up?"

"I've been up since you spiked a fever and started sweating sparks in bed." Izuku said with a mischievous grin.

"What? What do you mean?" Bakugo asked, his mouth full of toothpaste, trying to get the sour taste out of his mouth.

"Whenever you sweat when you're sick, I wake up because it sounds like little firecrackers are going off, you never wake up for it though." Izuku explained, "it's okay, it gives me time to prepare for whatever is gonna happen. And also, Merry Christmas."

Bakugo spit the toothpaste out, rubbing his eyes exhausted afterwards, "Merry Christmas." He mumbled, his stomach cramping up and his face all stuffed as he leaned into Izuku for support, soon after burying his face in his shoulder. Izuku rubbed the taller boy's back until he felt okay again.

Then he took his medicine and they went back to bed, Bakugo spooning Izuku, cuddling him like how a child would sleep with a teddy bear.

An hour or two later, Bakugo felt extremely nauseous again. His nose was a little clearer, thanks to a pile of tissues in the trashcan next to him and the medicine from earlier, but Izuku was like a cat on his lap. He couldn't move. He didn't want to move.

And then he was quickly flipping around as he gagged, and leaning over the trashcan at the side of the bed and vomiting harshly.

Izuku jumped awake at this, immediately up and out of bed, nearly tripping trying to get over to the other side of the bed with his boyfriend as he heaved again, coughing up bile afterwards.

"Feel better?" Izuku asked, reaching up to tuck a piece of the boy's blonde hair behind his ear.

Bakugo just nodded, "my stomach, yeah. Thanks." He said as Izuku tied up the trash and took it out while he brushed his teeth. By the time he got back, Izuku had brought him a bowl of crackers and replaced the bag in the trashcan.

"How did you do that so fast?" He asked.

"Christmas magic." Izuku answered.

"I swear to God you're an elf. you belong in the north pole." Bakugo said with a teasing grin.

Izuku brought a hand over his heart, "in my soul, I am there, making toys for hopeful children all over the world."

They both laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Bakugo leaned his head over to rest it on Izuku's shoulder, staying there even if it was a little uncomfortable due to the height difference.

"It's 7, wanna open presents?" Bakugo offered after a while.

Izuku smiled, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and led him out of the room so they could make breakfast and tear open the wrapping paper that surrounded the gifts specially picked for eachother.

The end


A little shortie
I wrote this whole thing at 2am Christmas day
Merry Christmas!!

Side note: some of you said you wanted to see my art. If you rly want my art insta is actually tagged on one of these but pls don't come hunting for my irl acc 😭

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