addiction (dadzawa)

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(MMM) (this was requested a LONG time ago but IT IS GONNA BE SO ANGST PACKED so you are welcome in advance for your hearts being torn out of your chests)


Requests here --->


Izuku hadn't meant to become addicted. He really hadn't.

He wasn't even sure how it all started. One day his dad let him take a drag of his cigarette and it was all downhill from there.

His dad was a druggie that was for sure. He wasn't a great person, or a great dad, but they had their good moments. Enough good moments that when Izuku was just a little too young, he wanted to be like him. He thought it would be fine.

'well my dad does this, so it must be safe.' he used to think, or 'well dad does this so it'll make me feel better too.'

It all started when the bullying was at an all time high. First it was the smoking, and then it turned into taking prescription pills that weren't prescribed to him. He tried all kinds of things to try and keep the bad thoughts out of his head.

Alcohol, weed, vape, and dozens of different pills.

It became a need to take the pills. His body would ache and whine without them. When he didn't have them he was thinking about them and how lovely they made him feel and how shit life was when he wasn't high on medication.

So he began to bring this habit to school as well.

At first it was confined to his dorm, but soon it spread to during lunch, even bathroom breaks. He didn't feel great when he wasn't doing drugs, so he did them all the time.

During school today, he was certainly high. His eyes were bloodshot and his head was down on his desk. It didn't go unnoticed. It was a really hard day. Really hard.

He had woken up feeling the shittiest he has felt in a very very long time. He had massive panic attack before even leaving for school and to calm down, he had smoked heavily, resulting in him getting very high, but going to school was unavoidable.

Usually he didn't get this up in the air when he had to go to school, but he couldn't avoid it. He liked to maintain his front as a really good student, but the thoughts in his head wouldn't follow. So he went to school high.

Then took some kind of medication (heavy opioids most likely, he didn't know what he was taking) to keep it going through the rest of the day. The less he had to think the better.

After school that day he was out on his balcony smoking when he got a knock on his dorm room door.

He quickly blew out a puff of smoke and hid his cigarette in his secret ash tray he kept out of sight from the door. He obviously wasn't supposed to be doing any of this, but it made him feel better. He didn't know what else to do.

It was the only thing that helped. It was the only thing that gave him some kind of escape from his miserable head and terrible thoughts and now his body needed it too.

He expected another student at his door, but instead it was Mr. Aizawa.

Bad sign.

"Midoriya, I need to see you in my office." He said seriously, observing the smell of smoke and how exhausted the boy looked.

"Uhm, sure. What about?" Izuku asked casually, trying to restrain himself from anxiously fidgeting as he followed Aizawa to his office. He felt so exhausted and slightly sick.

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