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I set the powder puff back in its case, then gestured for Marie to pack it with the rest of the toiletries. I don't know why the fashion was for French maids and English valets, but it was in vogue right now so we had a pair of maids traveling with us and Father's valet. They'd been bought first class tickets so they could be close by, of course they were in the cheaper rooms. Marie, Violetta and Edward would proceed ahead with our luggage to the Southampton docks while Mother, Father and I would arrive in a rented motor at the first class boarding area.

"Anastasia, are you decent?" Father's voice rang through the cheap wood door of our lodging.

I gripped the edge of the vanity. "Yes Father, please come in."

Gareth Dalian was an imposing man, tall and barrel chested with a florid face that spoke to a minor love of drink. Underneath it all though, Father has a large heart. Which he demonstrated by chucking me under my chin as if I was still a child. "Pretty as a picture, perhaps you'll make a match on the boat. Mrs. Astor told me they've started calling these Cunard boats the 'love boats', five engagements on the crossing she did last year."

I gently grabbed his fingers and used them to lift myself off my vanity stool. "Mrs. Astor is the biggest gossip in New York Father, I highly doubt it was five engagements." I did not correct him that we would be sailing on a White Star ship or that Mrs. Astor had died four years ago.

He adjusted my hand so he could escort me out of the hotel room. "Perhaps. But do not shut yourself up with your mother, like you have done during this trip. I know London and Paris fashions are exciting but you have been withdrawn of late."

I bit my tongue, deciding simply to nod at this. The sumptuous hotel furnishings passed by in a whirl of dark wood and red silk as Father handed me up into the car to join Mother. The lines around her eyes spoke to the true reason for our trip. We had passed it off to Father as a ladies trip, full of dresses and jewels, but our true purpose was to consult with various doctors about Father's health. Our farce had paid off, a new wardrobe for each of us would be shipped out before the season, but we had been unable to find a solution to Father's ever increasing memory lapses. Looking at him now, admiring Southampton as we drove by, it wrung my heart.

"You have the tickets, Anastasia?" Mother's voice was quiet but strong.

I touched my purse hanging from my wrist. "Yes Mother, right here."

She nodded, the silk flowers on her hat bobbing slightly. The car clattered along, slowly bringing the great ship into view. The Titanic, brilliant in fresh red, black and white paint. Supposedly the new standard in luxury and safety, Father had been anxious to view the ship in whole, to the point of badgering the builders to ensure a brief tour through the working with Mr. Andrews, the designer. As Dalian Shipping supplied Harland and Wolff with filling various orders, they were more than happy to oblige. I admired the sleek lines of the ship, the funnels raked back stylishly, as our car stopped and the driver opened the door. Father tipped him then handed us out. We joined the line of first class passengers, seeing several familiar faces from New York. The Thayer family of Philadelphia were slightly ahead, and we nodded to the Strauses as the joined the group. I passed the tickets forward to Father, who had already engaged an acquaintance in conversation.

Mother touched my hand as I drew it back. "Look who just arrived." I turned, craning my head to see the back of the line. A fashionably dressed couple, escorted by a son with dancing green eyes and slicked back black hair. "I can't believe the Reichsters would book passage on the Titanic. Couldn't they have picked another liner?"

I whipped my head around quick when the son caught me looking. "Perhaps we will be lucky and they will be seasick the whole time."

"More than likely we will be stuck at the same dinner table."

Father looked back. "Ruth? What is it dear?"

"Those horrid Reichsters are behind us. We shall have to ensure that Anastasia has an escort during the trip. A repeat of the Vanderbilt incident cannot be had."

"Edward or one of the maids should suffice."

"They will be busy, and could be bribed. They have only been in our employ for a couple of months. You are friends with some of the White Star men, see if one of them can't be asked to keep an eye out when they aren't busy."

"Dear, I hardly think Zachary will try it again." He had lowered his voice to avoid eavesdroppers, but at Mother's glare it stopped entirely. "Yes dear, I will ask."

The gangplank we continued along was situated higher than the others, crossing over the large crowd of steerage passengers undergoing inspection. First class passengers were spared that indignity, instead preparing for a relaxing journey of leisure and gossip. I put my hand to my hat, the blue and white silk ribbon flipping in the wind. I was fortunate, Mother said, that I had inherited her fair complexion and dark gold hair and could carry off the light blue silk traveling suit I wore. The line moved slowly forward, in fits and starts. I started looking around, admiring the large crowd that had gathered on the dock, handkerchiefs up in the air as they waved at passengers. I smiled, then stumbled where the gangplank met the ship.

A pair of strong hands gripped by forearms, pulling me back up. "Easy there Miss, there you are."

I brushed my hand across my brow, trying to hide my embarrassment as I looked at him. He was clean shaven, with a pair of brilliant blue eyes. As I stood I could see that he was tall, slightly above my own height. Which considering I was a head taller than most of the women my age said something. I looked down, noting his black uniform. Not a steward then. "Thank you," I looked at his hands, black gloves still holding me, "You were very kind."

"The safety of the passengers is part of my duty miss," He lifted the black peaked cap on his head, revealing a crop of dark brown hair, "First Officer William Murdoch."

I nodded, "Anastasia Dalian, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Murdoch. Forgive me, but should you not be up with the Captain?"

"The Chief Officer is, I was asked to greet passengers." His voice was clipped, his demeanor stiffer.

"Then I am glad you were here, otherwise who would have caught me?" I smiled at him, "Then my clumsiness would have been the first bit of gossip aboard. I wouldn't be able to show my face at dinner."

He chuckled, the hand that was still on my sleeve moving to squeeze my fingers through my gloves. "Then I shall keep your secret, Miss Dalian. I believe I see your party headed off." William gestured towards Mother and Father who were being escorted by a steward down a hallway.

"Oh, yes, well," I stammered, "Thank you again for your assistance Mr. Murdoch." I squeezed his fingers back, feeling a thrill at the contact for some reason. "And your discretion?"

"Of course Miss, have a safe and pleasant voyage."

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