Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 1)

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Inside of his secret hideout, the fashion designer Gabriel Agreste was looking at the picture of his lost wife and their daughter.
Butterflies were flying all around the room, unbothered by the presence of the man.
In his other hand, Gabriel was holding a little jowelry box.
"Soon, Sabine. . . Soon we'll be together again! No matter what it takes, I'll have you back in our lives" Gabriel swore to the picture, like he was talking to his real wife.
After putting the picture back in his pocket, Gabriel oppened the little box and a light brightet the room.
Gabriel face remained serious even when a tiny, flying creature appeared in front of his eyes.
The creature with the wings of a butterfly greeted Gabriel as his master.
"Nooroo, if this powers are really exceptionals as you told me, I have no doubts that I'll be able to fulfill my purpose!" Gabriel affirmed with an evil grin.
Nooroo kept the silence and nodded with a sad look.
Gabriel wore the shiny jewel on his neck.
"I will make my wish come true. Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Gabriel exclaimed.
Nooroo flew inside of the jewel and Gabriel's whole body covered with butterflies.
When the transformation was complited, his appearenced looked more scary and gloomy, just like the mask that covered his face.
"Now I am Hawk Moth!".
In that moment, a creature similar to Nooroo was sleeping peacefully.
But his calm was broken by an unexpected presentiment of doom, and so he woke up in fear.
"Master! Master!" The little creature flew out of a vinyl turnable and called the old man that was curing a patient.
The old man had no choice but to tell an excuse and make his patient leave.
"Waizz, you know that you can't show yourself when other people are around. Is there something wrong?" He asked.
Judging by the look on Waizz's face surely something was wrong.
"Master Fu! After all this years, I've finally felt the Kwami Nooroo! And he's not alone. I can also feel a negative aura with him!" Waizz explained.
"I'm afraid that his Miraculous might be used for something terribile!" .
Mater Fu scratched his beard and reflectex over Waizz's words.
"Then we need to save Nooroo and take back the Miraculous of the butterfly" He decleared.
"What do we do, master?" Waizz asked.
Master Fu walked towards the vinyl turnable and smiled.
"We can't do much by ourselves. Yes, I'm only one-hundred sixteen years old, but it's better if we find some help. Don't you think?" .
In another part of Paris, there was a young boy who just woke up for his first day of the school year.
His name was Adrien Dupain-Graham.
After wearing his glasses, the boy walked in the kitchen for breakfast.
His mom, Emily, had already placed on the table his favorite cereals and an empthy bowl with a spoon.
"Good morning, dear" Emily said when she heard the yawns of her son.
"Good morning. . ." Adrien responded with a sleepy voice.
He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek and she passed to him the bottle of milk.
"Ready for your first school day?" Emily asked with an excited voice.
"Are you asking me if I'm ready for another year with the queen of evil herself ? No. I'm not ready" Adriend answered as he poured the milk in the bowl full of cereals.
"Oh, dear! It can't be that horrible" Emily dared to say.
Adrien quckly made his point.
"Mom, we're talking about Chloe Bourgeois! The worst classmate that a person could ever end up with! She has been my nightmare for years!" Adriend wasn't ready for another year with Chloe.
"It's like, if you were a super hero, she would be your nemesis!" Emily said as a joke since Adrien adored super heroes.
"If I were a super hero, my life would be much easier" Adrien took the box of cereals and looked at the picture of the hero on it.
"With amazing powers and a really cool costume, I wouldn't have to worry about the things ordinary people do! Like school. . ." Adrien suddenly remembered that he had to worry about those things.
So he quickly ate his breakfast and finished to get ready.
Emily gave him his lunch and then Adrien ran out of the house.
"Another thing super heroes do not worry about: to be late for school!" The boy yelled.
Adrien's run was interrupted when he had to wait for the stoplight to turn green.
While he was waiting with other people, he tapped with his foot on the ground.
"Come on. Come on!" He repeated impatient.
But the light wasn't going to help him.
On the other side of the street, an old man with a walking stick was trying to get to the part where Adrien was.
That old guy was Master Fu in disguise.
He crossed the street when the light was still red, and he didn't pay attention to the cars.
"What is he doing?!" Adrien was the only one seeing that, because everybody else was staring at their phones.
"Whatch out!" Adrien screamed as a car was getting closer to the poor man.
Without esitation, the boy runned towards the old guy and grabbed his wirst; Adriend saved him from the car and then helped him cross the street.
"Thank you, young man. I was lucky that you were around" Master Fu said to the boy, who had short breath.
"Yeah. . . Very lucky. . ." Adrien's glasses had fogged up.
Master Fu kept smiling even after Adrien ran away: he had found the perfect boy for the mission.

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