Chapter 7 Gamer Boy (part 3)

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"Why don't you tell the others what you told me?" Adrien asked.
"Because there's no point! For almost everybody I'm just a bully. That's what you thought the first time we met, am I right?" Marinette asked to him.
Adrien had a sudden flashback of the moment they met; he really thought that she was just a bully at first.
But Adrien no longer considered Marinette like that, and the one who made him change his mind was Marinette herself.
"That's what I used to think" Adrien ammitted "But you showed me that I was wrong! You showed me that there's more about you than what it seems. You're brave, caring, smart and be- " Adrien stopped before he could say that she was beautiful "You're be- benevolent!" He smiled embarassed.
Marinette smiled back at him.
"Thank you, Adrien" she said with a soft voice.
Adrien was glad that Marinette had told him her secret, because now he could understand her better, and Marinette was happy that Adrien didn't judge her for her past actions.
They were sharing a beautiful moment together, but it didn't last long because of the Akuma.
Gamer Boy suddenly appeared in front of them.
"Hello guys!" .
Marinette and Adrien were both shocked to see Max looking like his avatar.
"Marinette, I demand a remach!" Gamer Boy yelled, pointing his cannon at her.
"Sorry, I don't concede remaches!" Marinette said.
Before Gamer Boy fired at them, Marinette pushed Adrien; they both fell on the ground and the bench where they were sitting was turned into a golden coin.
Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand and started ranning.
"We need to split up! It will be harder for him to catch us if we're not together!" Adrien said.
"Good idea!" Marinette and Adrien ran in two different directions and found some good places to transform.
Gamer Boy was angry that he lost track of Marinette.
"Don't waste your time over one girl!" Hawk Moth yelled to him "Remember that you have to bring me the Miraculous of Mister Bug and Lady Noir!" He didn't want Gamer Boy to hurt his daughter.
The super villain snorted.
"Fine! I'll take care of her in another moment" .
But then Mister Bug wrapped him with his yo-yo.
"Not if I take care of you right now!" He said with a serious voice. He wasn't going to let him find Marinette.
Gamer Boy laughed at him.
"You think this will stop me?" The super villain asked before making a huge jump.
It took Gamer Boy a couple of jumps to make the hero let go of him and when Mister Bug painfully landed on a bush, Gamer Boy took the aim to fire at him.
"I want no bugs in my game" .
But before he fired, Lady Noir's staff hitted his arm and made him miss.
"It seems like you don't know the meaning of fair-play" Lady Noir retreated her staff and assumed the pose of attack.
Mister Bug got up and stood behind the super villain.
"You're the one talking. Two against one is not fair-play!" Gamer Boy argued.
"Good point" Lady Noir said.
She told her partner to stay back while she fought the villain by herself.
She wanted to defeat him just like she defeated him at school.
Mister Bug couldn't stop Lady Noir; she and Gamer Boy attacked each other her at the same time.
This resulted in Lady Noir getting fired at and loosing her leg, while Gamer Boy lost his glasses for her punch.
Without a leg, Lady Noir fell on the ground.
When Mister Bug went to help her, he noticed that the bar above the villain had dropped after he lost his glasses.
That made Mister Bug think the Akuma was inside them, but his priority in that moment was to bring Lady Noir away, so he hold her within his arms and threw his yo-yo.
Once they were far from Gamer Boy, Mister Bug let Lady Noir rest on the roof of a house.
"That definitely wasn't my best performance!" She said, smiling through the humiliation.
Mister Bug was checking the conditions of her leg.
"That's strange. . . It's not bleeding" he said.
"That's good!" Lady Noir responded.
"Does it hurt?" He asked.
"I can still feel the rest of my leg, even if it's not here" She said.
"Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and two walkie-talkies appeared.
"What does this mean?" The hero wondered.
Lady Noir was able to stand up by herself, holding on to her staff. She gave a look at the walkie-talkies and then looked at Mister Bug.
"I think it means that I have to loose this time" She had something going on in her mind.
Gamer Boy was looking for the two heroes.
"I can't belive that I lost them too!" He was so exasperated that he started firing at everything he saw, no matter what it was.
He collected so many coins that he gained another upgrade: a shield.
"A little too late for this. . ." He said.
"Better late than never" he heard.
Gamer Boy turned around and saw Mister Bug, holding Lady Noir in his arms.
"Oh! Are you ready for another round?" Gamer Boy asked to the heroine.
Lady Noir used her staff to stand up.
"Yes!" She answered with a smug face and one of the walkie-talkies tied to her belt.
Mister Bug stood back to let them fight.
Like in a Western Movie, Lady Noir and Gamer Boy were standing in front of each other, both ready to attack first.
Suddenly Lady Noir threw her staff at the villain, who simply had to protect himself with the shield.
When she had no defence, Gamer Boy fired at her.
Lady Noir was turned into a golden coin and was collected inside his backpack.
"Yes! Your Miraculous is mine!" Gamer Boy esulted after capturing Lady Noir "Now it's your turn!" He said to Mister Bug.
The hero was unbothered, because everything was going as planned.

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