Chapter 10 Stink Bug (part 3)

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Master Fu's radio stopped airing music to inform the audience of a new threat for the city.
"The super villain that kidnapped Prince Alì brought him on the Eiffel Tower. We see them from our helicopter. . . Wait, that's Lady Noir! Why isn't she doing anything to stop the villain?" The reporter questioned.
Adrien feared that Lady Noir was under the influence of Stink Bug's perfume.
"I have to save her! Tikki?" The boy looked at his Kwami.
"Don't worry, Adrien. I feel great now!" Tikki said.
After thanking Master Fu for his help, Adrien and Tikki rushed out of the medical center.
The boy transformed and swinged with his yo-yo to the Eiffel Tower.
When Mister Bug arrived on the tower, he analized the situation: he was alone, and he would had to fight Lady Noir and Stink Bug together.
Unfortunately he didn't have much time to reflect on what to do.
"Now, let's make sure no one else gets in my way!" Stink Bug raised up her gun and generated a pink cloud of perfume above the tower. The cloud was expanding fast to the rest of the city.
"Time for the Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and recived a packet of chewing-gums.
He openned it and started chewing a gum, then he threw himself at Stink Bug, making her loose the gun with a kick.
The weapon slipped under a flower kiosk.
"Bring me back my gun!" Stink Bug ordered to Juleka and the assistant "You! Take care of Mister Bug!" She said to Lady Noir.
Mister Bug didn't want to fight her. He swinged around, like they were playing cat and mouse.
Juleka and the assistant were trying to retrieve the gun, while the cloud of perfume above the towet was starting to fade.
"Faster!" Stink Bug yelled. She couldn't move because she had to keep an eye on the prince.
Juleka finally found the gun. She wanted to toss it to Stink Bug, but Mister Bug grabbed it before she could do it.
"Do something! Stop him!" The super villain ordered to Lady Noir.
The heroine used her staff to hit Mister Bug's yo-yo and made him fell down.
Lady Noir, Juleka and the assistant threw themselves at Mister Bug, to keep him down and let Stink Bug take her gun.
"It was fun 'til it lasted, but now let's take things seriously!" She pointed her weapon up and pulled the trigger, but the cloud above didn't grow any bigger because there was chewing-gum on the tip of the gun.
The perfume made a bubble that grew so big and exploted.
Stink Bug covered her nose, to not fall under the influence of her own perfume.
The ladies were distracted by the explosion, so Mister Bug freed himself and rushed inside the cloud of perfume, holding his breath.
Once the cloud desappeared, Stink Bug realized that she didn't have her flower anymore.
Mister Bug had it.
He crashed it in his hand and when the Akuma flew out of the poor flower, he captured it.
"Time to de-evilize!" Mister Bug  purified the Akuma "Miraculous, Mister Bug!" He threw the Lucky Charm in the sky, and the could above the tower desappeared.
Those who were under Stink Bug's control were set free.
"What happened? Where are we!? We should be at the hospital by now!" The assistant was about to freack out. Prince Alì reunited with her and helped her breathing to calm down.
Juleka went to Rose after her friend returned to be herself.
"Mister B!" Lady Noir jumped in his arms and almost made him fall again "You saved us! You did it all by yourself!" She said.
"I did it. . . Yes, I did it!" He was incredulous at firts but he really saved the day.
He hugged Lady Noir for the happiness and she blushed.
Rose went to apologize with the prince for what she had done.
"Prince Alì, I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to make up for the trouble I caused?" Rose begged him.
"Actually, there is! I was going to ask this to Chloe Bourgeois, but if you want to. . ." The prince said.
"I'll do anything!" Rose exclaimed.
The next day, some of Rose's classmates were watching a video of her and the Prince Alì when they visited the children's hospital. Rose was dressed up as the fairy princess; she was wearing a pink dress, with fake wings, and had a magic wand made of plastic.
She was doing her best to keep a joyful smile for the children.
"I'm going to remind her of this video everytime she starts talking about princesses!" Kim laughed.
"This is so cute!" Juleka said.
Adrien was in Master Fu's center. He was watching the video of the fairy princess. Master Fu was adding another clipping to his book of victories while Tikki and Wayzz were playing tags around the room.
Then Master Fu made some tea for all of them.
"I prefer the old paper and ink to those mini films you find nowdays on the internet" the man said, bringing two normal cups of tea and two small ones for the Kwamis.
"Never say something like that to my friend Nino! He would go insane" Adrien laughed.
He showed the video to Master Fu.
"The victories that have a nice ending are my favorite ones" Adrien sighed of relief.
"A good hero can win a fight with strenght and cleverness, but a great hero can win a war with love and compassion!" Master Fu recited and Wayzz nodded.
Adrien wondered how was he supposed to win a war with love and compassion. Up to that moment the only things that helped were his Lucky Charms.
Maybe he hadn't found himself in that kind of battle yet.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now