Chapter 16 Bubble Girl (part 1)

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The sky was painted of a beautiful pink tone.
Marinette was walking under the Eiffel Tower, decorated with blooming red roses and tons of bubbles.
It looked like a fairy tale.
The charming music of a violin started playing when Marinette turned around, and she saw Mister Bug in a red suit.
"Happy birthday, Marinette" Mister Bug told her.
Marinette looked away; she was so nervous that she couldn't keep eye contact with him.
"May I have this dance?" Mister Bug held out his hand. Marinette clothes magically changed into a lovely red dress.
She took Mister Bug's hand and they started dancing to the violin music.
After dancing, Mister Bug took something out of his pocket and he showed to Marinette a diamond ring.
"Marinette Agreste-Cheng, would you. . . Wake up!? Come on, kid, wake up already!" Mister Bud said with Plagg's voice.
Marinette suddenly woke up from her dream.
Plagg was flying above her, holding a smelly piece of cheese wrapped with a bow.
"Happy birthday!" That cheese was Plagg's birthday present for her.
"Oh. . . Thank you, Plagg" Marinette accepted the piece of cheese, then she made a deep sigh and covered her face with the blanket "I was having the most beautiful dream! I danced with Mister Bug and he was about to make me the proposal" She cried.
"Eww! Why are humans so obsessed with finding a life partner? Wouldn't you rather spend the eternity by yourself, with all the cheese you want?" Plagg asked.
"No! I'd rather eat cheese with the love of my life for the rest of our days!" Marinette replied, jumping out of her blanket.
Since she was already awake, she started to get ready for the last day of school.
After dressing up, Marinette went to have breakfast.
In the dining room, Nathalie served her a croissant with a lighted caddle on it.
"Thank you, Nathalie" Marinette said.
Nathalie winked at her, then she went back to her work.
Marinette closed her eyes and blew on the candle, making a birthday wish.
When the girl arrived to school, Alya went to hug her.
"Happy birthday, Marinette!" her friend exclaimed "Any plans for today? We could go take an ice-cream after school!" .
"I would love to, but my father wants me at home for today" Marinette said with a sorrow face.
"What? He wants you to stay at home on your birthday?" Alya questioned.
Adrien and Nino were hiding behind the schoolyard bushes.
"Come on, Adrien! Now it's your chance!" Nino was encouraging his friend, to make him go to Marinette and give her his birthday present.
"I can do it. I'll do it! I'm doing it!" Adrien boldly walked up to Marinette, with the present in his hands. When the girl noticed the boy, she waved at him with a smile.
Adrien was blocked by the fear. He turned around and went to hide behind the bushes again.
"I can't do it. I won't do it! Please, don't make me do it!" Adrien squeaked, covering his face with the present.
Nino grabbed his arms and gave him a good shake.
"Stop acting like this! Today is the last day of school! If you don't do it now, you'll regret it for the rest of the summer!" Nino scolded him.
"You're right! I have to do it now!" Adrien found the courage to try again, but Marinette wasn't there anymore: the bell rang and she went to class like the others.
"It's okay. You'll give her your present when the classes are over" Nino said, patting Adrien's back.
Nathalie went in Gabriel's studio to bring him the papers that he asked for, and a cup of tea.
"Thank you, Nathalie. Leave them on my desk" Gabriel was busy drawing the dresses for his next collection.
Nathalie left the papers and the tea on his desk, but she stayed because she wanted to talk with him.
"Sir, today is Marinette' sixteen birthday" She reminded to him.
"I know, Nathalie. Did you buy her something nice from me?" Gabriel asked, keeping his eyes on the drawings.
"Yes, sir. But that's not what I meant" the woman said.
Gabriel finally decided to look at at her.
"I think Marinette would like to spend some time with you today. I can make a reservation at the Grand Paris Hotel for you two" Nathalie suggested, but Gabriel immediately rejected her idea.
"Sir, I think Marinette wants-" .
"Don't tell me what my daughter wants! I know what she NEEDS, and that's the only thing that matters" Gabriel raised his voice and Nathalie stopped insisting.
He thanked her again for bringing the papers and dismissed her one last time.
Marinette wasn't paying attention to the lesson; she was doodling about her dream on the notebook.
Alya noticed her drawings and belived that her friend was imagining a birthday party with bubbles, so she had an idea.
When the last day of school was over, the students walked out of the building, jumping and singing of joy.
Marinette had to go home and Alya asked if she could go with her.
"There wouldn't be any problem for me, but I don't think that my father would-" Marinette was saying.
"Oh, I won't stay for long! I just need to talk with your father for a moment" Alya affirmed and got inside her friend's car.
"If you say so- wait, WHAT!?" Marinette exclaimed.
Adrien walked out of school and saw Marinette getting inside her car.
"Wait! Marinette!" He ran to the car, but this moved away faster than he could run.
"Greetings, Mr Agreste! I'm Alya Cesare. Your daughter's classmate" Alya introduced herself to the stoick man that was standing on the stairs "I don't want to take too much of your time. I'm here because I wanted to talk with you about Marinette's birthday party!" Alya explained.
Nathalie looked at Gabriel.
"I think a birthday party is a great idea" The man said.
Alya and Nathalie were both shocked by his answer.
"Really? I mean- Good!" Alya smiled "I already have some tips for this party: it could be a costume themed party, with an ice-cream cake and many bubbles!" She took a little bottle of bubbles out of her bag and blew them.
"Absolutely not! My daughter's birthday won't be a party for kids. I want no costumes, no ice-cream cakes and no bubbles!" Gabriel said and Nathalie finally recognized him.
He wanted an elegant celebration, otherwise no party at all.
Alya had no other options, so she accepted his conditions.

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