Chapter 9 Red Fighter (part 3)

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Mister Bug brought Marinette to the Louvre and allerted the visitors about the Akuma attack, to make them leave immediately.
Once the museum was evacuated, Mister Bug and Marinette headed to the egyptian exhibition, where he decided to hid her inside an empty sarcophagus.
"Stay in here" Mister Bug said.
"Please, be careful" Marinette whispered.
"Don't worry. I'll be right back after dealing with that bad guy" Mister Bug winked and closed the sarcophagus.
After he left the exhibition, Marinette transformed and went to help him.
Red Fighter arrived at the museum.
"They want to play hide and seek? I don't have time for their silly games!" He snorted and kicked the locked doors off to walk in.
"I know how you feel. This heroes have been ruining my plans for months!" Hawk Moth growled.
"Sound pretty annoying. May I know why you're so obsessed with their Miraculous?" Red Fighter asked and Hawk Moth laughed.
"Because, just like you, I don't like to loose" he wasn't going to explain to him why he needed their Miraculous.
Red Fighter and Mister Bug stepped inside the same hall in the exact same time. They exchanged a dark look for a second, and then rushed at each other.
Red Fighter tried to punch him, so Mister Bug shield himself with both arms; the punch generated a wave of wind that could even be heard.
When they parted, Mister Bug needed a moment: that punch almost broke his arms.
"What's the matter, Bug Boy? You can't even take a single punch?" Red Fighter moked him.
He tried to attack Mister Bug again, while he was distracted, but Lady Noir arrived in the perfect moment and saved her partner.
She grabbed Red Fighter's arm and slammed him on the floor, creating a big crak around him.
"Thanks, Lady Noir!" Mister Bug said, happy to see her.
"You know I would never let anyone touch a single one of your perfect hair" She flirted with him, but as always he didn't get it.
Mister Bug went to the super villain, who was lying down, seeminly unconcious.
"The Akuma must be in his helmet" He was about to take it off his head, when Red Fighter openned his eyes.
Mister Bug stepped back.
Red Fighter got up and started throwing large tiles at the two heroes. Lady Noir used her staff and Mister Bug his yo-yo to block the tiles.
After that, Red Fighter grabbed the base of a giant statue and lifted it, damaging the ceiling of the hall. He threw the statue at the two heroes.
Lady Noir pushed Mister Bug to protect him, then she extended her staff and jumped over the statue, which crashed on the wall behind.
Mister Bug didn't see what happened to his partner, therefore he belived that Lady Noir had been crushed in between the wall and the statue.
"First Marinette. . . And now Lady Noir!?" He furiously yelled.
"Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power to summon an unusual Lucky Charm: a radiator.
He picked it up with difficulty  and an idea came to his mind.
He tied his yo-yo around the radiator, then he started spinning around himself, using the physics instead of his strength.
"What is he doing?" Red Fighter wondered, confused.
"Take this!" Mister Bug let go of the Lucky Charm, that hitted the super villain and made him fall down once again, but this time he remained down.
Lady Noir's quick hand grabbed his elmet when he passed out next to her.
"Cataclysm!" She destroyed the elmet with her power.
"Lady Noir, you're okay!" Mister Bug exclaimed with relief.
"Naturally! You thought I had become a decoration on the wall?" Lady Noir joked.
"I did, actually. . ." Mister Bug murmured.
After Mister Bug captured the Akuma and purified it, he asked Lady Noir to give him a hand with the radiator.
Together, the super heroes threw the Lucky Charm up, and this fixed all the things that were destroyed during the battle.
Luka returned to be himself, but he was still lying on the floor, making strange noises with his mouth.
"I have to make sure of something. Can you stay with him until he wakes up?" Mister Bug asked to his partner.
"Of course!" Lady Noir said.
Mister Bug returned to the egyptian exhibition and openned the sarcophagus, but Marinette wasn't there anymore.
"Marinette, where are you!?" He called her name and looked around.
Finally, Marinette showed up.
"I'm here!" She had to detransform and run to the exhibition, leaving Luka alone in spite of herself.
"I'm sorry, Mister Bug. You were taking so long to come back and I was getting worried. . ." Marinette told him.
"You did the right thing. I'm sorry for leaving you alone" Mister Bug apologized.
"Did you defeat the super villain?" She asked, even if she knew the answer.
"Don't worry, he won't try to hurt you ever again" He reassured her.
Marinette came closer to Mister Bug and kissed him on the cheek, making his face turn red like his mask.
"Thank you for protecting me" She smiled.
Mister Bug didn't know what to say, he was so nervous.
But when his earrings started blinking, he had to leave Marinette, even if he didn't want to.
Marinette found Luka outside the museum. He was sitting on a bench, holding his head.
"Are you okay, Luka?" Marinette asked when she got closer to him.
"Yes. . . Just a weird headache, that's all" Luka said and stood up "I guess I own you an apology for what I did. . ." .
"It's okay. You're not the first super villain that attackes me" Marinette confessed.
"Really? Huh. You have an intense life" Luka commented "But that's not what I meant! I want to apologize for the way I reacted to your victory. . . I should have bowed with you" he was showing sincere regret and Marinette appreciated it.
"Luka, I think we should have a remach. Maybe Adrien didn't see exaclty how it went" she suggested.
"Yeah! That newbie probably can't see farther than his nose" Luka joked.
Marinette immediately changed her mood.
"Hey! Don't you dare say anything like that ever again! Adrien Dupain is a great person! No one makes fun of him in my presence!" She yelled, pointing her finger at Luka's nose.
"Okay! Okay! I won't do it again" he swore and laughed "You really like him, don't you?" .
"Of course I do! He's my friend" Marinette proudly answered.
"Are you sure?" Luka tapped on her head, with a sly smile.
"Yes, I am!" Marinette pushed him. Luka pushed her back and they started laughing like two dumb kids.
Behind the museum' sign, Adrien listened to what they said about him.
He was glad to Marinette for defending him, yet he couldn't help feeling sad that she only considered him a friend.
"Adrien?" Tikki wanted to know how he was feeling, but the boy faked a smile to don't make her worry.
"Let's go home, Tikki" Adrien said, trying not to show his displeasure.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now