Chapter 13 Little Devils (part 3)

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All the devils passed through the same hallway and went inside the stadium.
Mister Bug used the unicycle to make the mechanism they've built work. One by one, the hats on the devils heads were taken off and went in the bucket.
When all the devils were inside the stadium, Lady Noir used her Cataclysm on the bucket to destroy the hats.
Mister Bug purified the Akuma and the devils disappeared, except for one.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" With the help of the Lucky Charm, everything returned to be how it was before.
"Why am I here? Mom!? Dad!?" Chris started to cry after he detransformed. Lady Noir went to calm him; she held him in her arms and wiped his tears.
"Don't cry, Chris. It's all good now! I'll bring you home, okay?" She said with a kind smile.
Chris stopped crying and nodded.
Lady Noir extended her staff to get out of the stadium. When she left, Red Renard and Mister Bug hurried to get to Nino's house before her.
Once they were there, Renard detransformed and returned the fox Miraculous.
"Thanks for the help, Nino" Mister Bug said.
"This was the coolest night of my life! . . . Thank you for trusting me with this job. I couldn't have saved my brother if you didn't give me the Miraculous" Nino was really grateful to him.
"Remember: your secret identity is the most important thing you have as a super hero! Don't tell anyone that you're Red Renard, or else someone could use this information against you. The ones you love would be in dangerous in that case" Mister Bug explained.
"I won't tell anyone!" Nino swore.
Mister Bug left his house before Lady Noir arrived with Chris.
Nino thanked the heroine for saving his little brother.
"Now be a good boy and go to sleep, okay?" Lady Noir said, patting Chris' head.
He promissed that he would go to bed everytime Nino or his parents told him to.
"You said it and you can't take that back, Chris!" Nino exclaimed.
Mister Bug watched the scene from the roof of the next building. Then he recived a text from his partner, who was asking him to meet up.
When Mister Bug found Lady Noir, she was keeping her arms crossed and was slowly tapping with her foot on the ground.
Mister Bug never saw her so serious.
"Where did you find that new Miraculous?" Lady Noir asked, sounding a bit impatient.
"You see, my Kwami got sick, so I had to bring her to a healer, and I ended up meeting the Guardian of the Miraculous. He allowed me to take the fox neckless, but he wasn't happy about it, belive me!" Mister Bug laughed until he saw the terrifying look on Lady Noir's face.
"You met the Guardian!? And you didn't tell me!?" She yelled. She tried to calm down, taking a deep breath "For how long have you known the identity of the Guardian?" Lady Noir asked with a more calm voice, but still angry.
"Not for long. . . Just a couple of weeks" Mister Bug scratched the back of his head "But I was going to tell you! I swear!" .
"What if my Kwami got sick and I didn't know how to cure him? Or what if we needed a back up again, and for some reason you couldn't go to the Guardian!?" Lady Noir questioned.
She was feeling betrayed. Mister Bug was her partner, her friend, so why didn't he tell her about the Guardian immediately?
He knew that he hurted her feelings by keeping that secret. He wanted to apologize, but his earrings were telling him that he was about to detransform.
"Look, now I have to go. But I promise that I won't forget about this. We'll talk about it another time, okay?" Mister Bug said, holding Lady Noir by her shoulders.
She didn't say anything and sadly watched him jumping away.
After detransforming, Adrien went back to Master Fu's center, to return the fox Miraculous.
"Thanks for letting me take the Miraculous, master" Adrien said.
"It was a hard decision. After loosing two Miraculous, I became very protective with the rest of them. But I knew I could trust you" Master Fu noticed that Adrien was looking blue, so he asked what was tormenting his mind.
"Lady Noir got angry with me because I didn't tell her about you. . . " Adrien explained.
"Is that so?" Master Fu belived that he had already told Lady Noir "That's bad. A good team needs trust between the members to work in perfect harmony" .
"I know I messed up! But I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. . Couldn't you help me fix this problem?" Adrien asked.
Master Fu told him that he had to find a solution for that problem by himself.
It was his mistake, so it was his responsability to solve it.
At the Agreste's house, Marinette was taking out her frustration by walking in circles in her room.
"Nine months. Mister Bug and I have known each other for nine months! It's almost an year!" She was saying "Even so, he forgets to tell me something so important!" .
"You have all the reasons to be angry with him. How could he keep such secret with you?" Plagg commented while eating cheese on the bed.
"You didn't tell me about the Guardian either, Plagg!" Marinette exclaimed.
The Kwami almost choked on his cheese.
"Hey! I thought we were talking about Mister Bug! He's the one at fault!" Plagg argued.
Marinette took a long breath and slided in her bed, exhausted.
"Maybe we aren't as close as I thought. . . " She murmured, looking at a picture of him that she kept on her phone.
Plagg flew to her.
"You can't stay up all night to think about him" he took her phone and put it on the night table "Try to sleep. You'll see that tomorrow is going to be a better day" Plagg passed her the blanket.
"Thank you, Plagg. Good night" Marinette said before closing her tired eyes.
"Night, kid" Plagg replied as he leaned on the pillow next to hers.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now