Chapter 16 Bubble Girl (part 2)

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Adrien went back home after school. He was upset for not being able to give Marinette his present.
Emily and Tom tried to cheer him up, by offering him their help.
"We could drive you to your friend's house, so you can give her your present" Tom suggested.
"Thanks, dad. But I'm afraid it's not possibile. . . Her father doesn't like unexpected visitors" Adrien said.
"Even during her birthday?" Emily asked and Adrien nodded
"That poor sweet girl. . ." Emily mumbled.
Someone knocked on the door in that moment. Adrien went to open and a letter slided under the door. He picked it up, read it and jumped for the happiness.
"This evening there's a birthday party at Marinette's house!" Adrien showed to his parents the invitation.
"The party has a formal wear obbligation. You'll need a suit" Tom told his son that he could use the one he wore at his wedding "Don't worry. I used to be a lot thinner when I was young" .
"You could wear it with the green tie that I bought you. It matches perfectly" Emily suggested.
"Thank you guys! You're the best!" Adrien hugged his parents, then he ran in his room to get ready, even if there were still hours to go until the party.
In the evening, Tom and Emily brought Adrien to the Agreste's house by car.
The Dupains and the Lahiffes decided to go out for dinner together while their boys were at the party.
"Have fun, dear" Emily said, as the boy walked to the entrance of the house, where Nino was waiting for him.
"Look at you! Not bad dressed with something that's not a t-shirt" Nino complimented his friend.
Marinette's bodyguard was in front of the door, checking the invitations of the guests.
Nino showed his invitation, while Adrien was searching for his in the pockets, but he couldn't find it.
"Don't tell me you forgot your invitation at home" Nino said with a tired voice.
"I'm afraid I did. . ." Adrien responded embarrassmed. He looked at the the bodyguard "Is it okay if I-?" Before the boy could finish the question, the man snorted like a gorilla: that was a definitive no.
Adrien couldn't enter without the invitation, so he needed to go back to his house, grabb it and return.
"I'll be as fast as I can! Don't let Luka try anything with Marinette while I'm not here!" Adrien said to his friend before running home.
"How!?" Nino exclaimed.
Marinette was in her room and Alya was with her.
Marinette was wearing a pink dress with black lace on the hem of the skirt and on the sweetheart top. It wasn't the same dress that she had in her dream, but it was very cute.
"You look gorgeous!" Alya said after she finished making a bun with her hair.
"Thank you so much for this party, Alya. You're amazing!" Marinette hugged her.
"Don't mention it! I'm sorry that it's  going to be like you wanted" her friend apologized.
"Like I wanted?" Marinette questioned. Alya confessed that she saw her doodles and that she asked her father to throw a party like that.
"He said no, but I brought some soap bubbles anyway!" Alya shook the bottle and put it back in her purse "Let's go see who has arrived!" .
The two girls walked out of the room.
Alya looked at the door of Gabriel's studio, guarded by Nathalie.
"Go ahead. I'll be with you in a moment" She said to Marinette and then went to the studio.
"Excuse me, when is Mr Agreste joining us?" Alya asked to Nathalie.
"Mr Agreste is working right now. He'll join you in a few minutes" Nathalie explained.
There was nothing that Alya could do, so she went back to Marinette, who was greeting the guests.
"It's always a pleasure to see you, Kagami. I love your dress!" Marinette said. Kagami was wearing a green and blue kimono.
"Thank you, Marinette. I hope you get to celebrate many other birthdays in wealth and happ-" Kagami couldn't finish her omen because she was pushed aside by Chloe.
"Happy birthday, Mari-honey!" Chloe wrapped her arms around Marinette. Sabrina apologized with Kagami in her friends' place.
"I'm glad to see you too, Chloe" Marinette allowed the girl to soffocate her with that hug, and then she greeted Sabrina.
Finally it was Nino's turn.
"Hey, Marinette! Quite a party theme you choosed. I haven't wear a smoking in ages" Nino said as a joke.
"That wasn't my idea. . ." Marinette mumbled, not getting the sarcasm in Nino's words. She looked behind him and remained surprised to see that he was alone.
"Adrien isn't with you?" Marinette wondered.
"Uhm. . . He had to help his parents with something important" Nino tried to make an excuse for his friend's absence "But he's coming! I swear!" He reassured Marinette, that was looking disappointed.
"We don't need him to have fun" Luka affirmed, making his entrance with Juleka and Rose. Luka took Marinette's hand and kissed it.
Nino was taken aback. He could hear Adrien's voice in his head: "How could you let Luka make his move!?".
"I won't let it happen again, buddy" Nino whispered.
Alya told everyone to follow her in the salon, where there was music and a long table with the buffet.
"Ready for your first dance?" Luka asked to Marinette.
She was about to take his hand, but Nino gently pushed the girl away from Luka.
"Can you come with me for a minute, Marinette? I want to know more about the decor of your home. Are these tiles imported?" Nino made up an excuse to talk with her.
Adrien finally made it home.
He ran up the stairs of the building, but as his bad luck wanted, he forgot his keys in the appartament.
"What do I do now!?" Adrien wanted to scream.
Tikki flew through the door and openned it from the inside for him.
"Thank you, Tikki! You're a lifesaver!" Adrien said. He went into the appartament, grabbed the invitation, his keys, and then he left.
At the Agreste's house, the party was going well.
It was almost time for the cake, but Mr Agreste was nowhere to be seen.
Alya was starting to loose her patience with that man.
She went back to Nathalie and asked her when he was going to show up.
"Mr Agreste is working right now. He'll join you in a few minutes" Nathalie said with a robotic voice.
"You've said that more an hour ago! Why can't he come out for a moment to see his daughter!?" Alya questioned, raising her tone.
"He's very busy. Go back to the party, or else I'll have to make you leave" Nathalie threatened her.
"What!? This party was my idea! I'm the one who cares for Marinette's happiness! Mr Agreste can't even leave his work for a second to say hello!" Alya started to yell.
She was loosing control, just like Gabriel wanted.
He was waiting for Alya to give up to her rage. He sent an Akuma and the butterfly went inside the bubbles bottle in her purse.
"Good evening, Bubble Girl. I was waiting to meet you! With your anger and the powers I can give you, you'll make this party an unforgetable experience!" Hawk Moth said.
"Everything will be perfect for Marinette's birthday!" Alya accepted the powers that she was offered and she was transformed.

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